Darren Levine

Darren Levine , Defence
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//-->It ...OFFICIAL GUIDE OFKRAV MAGAWORLDWIDE"AboutThisBookWhatIsKrav Maga~Trarn1ng MethodologyUse ofForce:The Rulesof Self-Defense7811243133HANDGUNSDefenses against AdvancedThreatslnvolv1ng a HandgunHandgun ThreatsiromtheFrontHandgun Threats from theBaci</S1de3660CARJACKINGDefensesagainstCarjackingAssailantOutside. Defenderm Dnver'sSeatAssa'!ant inside Vehicle77798187HANDGUNSVS.THIRD PARTIESHandgun Threats D1rectedat aThirdPartyHandgunThreats to theFront of the Thrrd PartyHandgun Threatsfrom Behmd theTh1rdParty939598102EDGED WEAPONSDefenses against Threats wit!> ar1 Edged WeaponEdged-WeaponThreats fromthe FrontEdged-WeaponThreatsfrom Beh1nd107109112119BLUNT OBJECTS VS. EDGED WEAPONSUsmgBlunt Objects aga1nstAttackswith anEdged WeaponEdged-WeaponAttacks125127130BLUNT OBJECTS VS. BLUNT OBJECTSUsingBlunt Objects against Attacks with Blunt ObjectsDetenses Us1ng One Hand on the Defens1ve WeaponDefensesUsing Two Hands onthe DefensiveWeapon141143146155161163EDGED WEAPON VS. EDGED WEAPONUsmg Edged Weapons aga1nst Attacks with Edged WeaponsHAND GRENADESDefendingaga1nst aThreatby an Assailant w1th a Hand Grenade173175IndexAcknowledgmentsAbout the Authors186189192Black Belt Krav Magais acompilationof advanced techniques selected from KravMaga Worldwide'scarefullydesigned andvastlyevolved Black Belt Level curriculum.LikeKrav Maga for Begin_nersandComplete Krav Maga,this book is not meant to beacompleteandexhaustivedescription of all Krav Maga black belt techniques; rather,it features unique training modules selected fromsomeof our system's mostadvancedhand-to-hand combat anddefensivetactics material.Th1s book will address sophisticatedhandgunthreats, caqackmg scenarios, our approach to third-party protec-tion, edged-weapon threats,defendingedged-weapon attacks by usingablunt object or edged weapon,defendingbluntobjects w1th blunt objects, and performing progressive tactics andtechniquestoneutralizehand grenade andimprovisedexplos1vedevice (I.E.D.) threats.Needless to say, all ofthetopicspresentedareextremely high nsk andmvolvethepotential use of deadly force Some of the sections will be based more onprinc1ple thantechn1que,takingintoaccount themanyvariables that may affectintncatetechnical responsesThis book also provides some general1nformation about the actual weapons, the assailants and. where applica-ble, weaponstobe used for defensive and/or offensive functions.ltalsodiscusses trainingmethodologies, useof force,legalconsiderations andmore.lt'simportantto note that this book was not written 1n an effort toreplacetraining with an updated and present-ly cert,fied Krav Maga Worldw1de instructor. This bookismeant to serve as a resource for advanced instructorsand anintroduction forother instructors and students w1shmg to further their knowledgemthe system. lt bearsrepeatmg that the scenanos presented n th1s book are of extreme high risk, and nomediumcan replace actualsupervised training.ABOUT THIS BOOK7KravMagawas originally developedinIsrael as the official system of self-defenseandhand-to-handcombat for theIsraeli Defense Forces,the Israeli NationalPolice,Israeli SpecialOperations and other security units.Morerecently, Krav Maga hasbeen taught extensively to civilians,law-enforcementagencies and militaryunitsinthe United States, and to our allies throughout the world. Cognizant ofthe differentuse-of-force standards between Israel and theUnitedStates, important stepsweretaken by KravMagaWorldwidetorefine and adapt Krav Maga techniques for use byAmerican law enforcement and civilians.Moreinformationaboutthehistory of Krav Magacanbefound inComplete Krav MagaandKrav Maga forBegmners.The SystemKrav Maga emerged in an environment where extreme violence was common. Krav Maga has a worldwide rep-utationas bemg anidealmeans of defending one'slife,or thelifeof a third party, whether the threatinvolvesunarmedassailants, armed assailants or multiple assailants. The Krav Maga Worldwide system has receivedinterna1:ionalrecognitionas an innovat ive and highly pract ical self-defense system ideally suited for three dis-tinct ent1ties·lawenforcement, military and civilians.Potentially lethal-force scenarios in this book include: advanced threats involving a handgun. caqacking scenar-iosmvolvinghandgun threats wrth nand around motor vehrcles,handgundefenses when the attack is directedat a third party, defenses against threats withanedged weapon, using a blunt weapon or common object todefend agarnst a blunt weapon attack. using a blunt weapon, edged weapon or common object to defendaganstan edged weapon, and threats rnvolving an assailant wrth an explosive devrce.8BLACK BELT KRAV MAGA [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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