Dexter [7x07] Chemistry (2)

Dexter [7x07] Chemistry (2), DEXTER S07
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[138][177] - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.[178][229]d d[229][269]<font color=#00FF00>d Dexter 7x07 d</font>|<font color=#00FFFF>Do the Wrong Thing</font>|Original Air Date on November 11, 2012[270][320]== sync, corrected by <font color="#00FF00">elderman</font> ==[1079][1113]Previously|on <i>Dexter...</i>[1113][1135]This blood is|from a defensive wound.[1136][1156]So you got arrested,|there'll be a trial,[1156][1177]you'll go to prison|for a long time.[1178][1197]Does that mean|this is over?[1198][1214]No.[1214][1232]These men|are dangerous.[1232][1260]You should not get involved|with the Koshka brotherhood.[1261][1272]Don't be scared.[1273][1293]I'm not gonna let anything|happen to you.[1293][1305]Where's Nadia?[1306][1327]Isaak Sirko wants you|to lose the blood evidence[1328][1347]linking him|to the Colombian murders.[1348][1375]If I do this,|Nadia is a free woman.[1375][1388]Deal.[1388][1405]What was Price|doing here?[1406][1429]He heard we dug up|more Wayne Randall victims,[1430][1450]he asked if he could see|the case files.[1450][1464]I fudged|the blood report.[1465][1482]My guy said|the void pattern on this body[1482][1519]indicates a killer|much smaller than Wayne Randall.[1519][1534]Smaller,|like Hannah McKay?[1535][1555]And I think|she kept right on killing.[1555][1569]If that's true,|we're totally fucked.[1570][1591]We gave her immunity.[1591][1611]So how'd he die--|your husband?[1612][1632]Uh|heart attack.[1632][1656]I know she killed|her husband, I can feel it.[1657][1667]Aconite.[1667][1686]Ingesting it|causes heart attack.[1736][1767]Do what you gotta do.[1838][1849]Dexter--[1990][2004]- chemistry.[2005][2037]I've heard|some people have it.[2037][2073]An attraction that can't be|quantified or explained.[2073][2106]Is that the reason|behind this...[2107][2133]Loss of control?[2133][2151]Maybe the desire|to get Hannah on my table[2151][2198]was just a way to deny|the effect she has on me.[2199][2220]So now what?[2327][2351]How do you like it?[2351][2366]Not much.[2366][2408]You do this to all the girls|that you go out with?[2408][2423]Wrap them up in plastic?[2423][2452]I don't actually|go out.[2452][2475]So then, what?|This whole date thing was just[2475][2505]a way to get me alone|so you can kill me?[2557][2581]Why?[2599][2635]It's what I do.[2636][2661]You kill people.[2661][2701]Bad people.[2701][2746]So you think I'm bad.[2746][2771]You[2772][2798]you fit|the general description.[2798][2828]You have no idea.[3073][3093]You know, I didn't plan|to spend the whole evening[3094][3116]talking about|Hannah McKay.[3117][3139]Well, what do you want|to talk about?[3139][3161]The economy?[3161][3182]I don't know.[3182][3202]What kind of music|you like?[3202][3234]Um...[3234][3253]A jailhouse door|slamming shut.[3253][3277]That's my idea of music.[3296][3314]I don't know|what's driving me crazier,[3314][3335]Hannah McKay getting away|with a shitload of murder,[3335][3362]or you chewing|on that straw.[3362][3389]Old habits die hard.[3390][3410]You know, it's gonna be|a real downer for your book[3410][3428]if Hannah gets away.[3429][3449]Now that you mention it,|people who buy true crime stuff[3449][3485]tend to like it|when the bad guy gets caught.[3485][3503]Well, maybe I can help you|rewrite the ending.[3503][3516]So now|you're an editor.[3530][3563]I'm thinking about|Hannah's husband.[3563][3588]40-year-olds don't just|drop dead of a heart attack.[3588][3604]Maybe I could|have the body exhumed,[3604][3614]and we could test it|for aconite.[3614][3627]It's been ten years.[3628][3657]But if it's there,|the tox screen will find it.[3657][3671]And the hard part|is getting permission.[3672][3683]Hannah's|the next of kin,[3684][3701]and I doubt|she's gonna sign off on it.[3702][3717]She's not the only|next of kin.[3717][3740]Hannah's husband|had a sister.[3740][3759]Well, aren't you|a goddamn know-it-all.[3787][3801]It's not|my only virtue.[3801][3835]That remains|to be seen.[3874][3902]Thank you|for dinner.[4032][4041]We should|do it again.[4042][4066]Yeah, why not?[4147][4159]I'll check my notes|on the sister[4159][4189]and get back to you.[4391][4406]Chemistry deals|with the reactions[4406][4442]between elementary|forms of matter.[4442][4474]Separate the elements,|and you negate the reaction.[4475][4485]This can't happen again.[4485][4498]Which part?[4498][4509]The horse tranquilizer?[4509][4520]The sex part.[4520][4536]Yeah, I was thinking|the same thing.[4536][4551]W[4551][4562]why?[4562][4592]We both know|it wouldn't end well.[4604][4621]Just tell me something.|What?[4621][4633]You're not gonna|try and kill me again, right?[4634][4648]Because I feel like|I have the right to know.[4649][4672]No. If I was, we wouldn't be|having this conversation.[4672][4716]Let's just think of it|as a misunderstanding.[4716][4751]One way to put it.[4751][4778]You know, you don't really|seem that shaken up.[4778][4810]You know, for someone|who thought she was gonna die.[4811][4827]Yeah, you're right,|I suppose I should be[4828][4873]a little more|freaked out.[4874][4894]Maybe I never|really believed that[4894][4914]you were gonna do it.[4993][5015]Boy, did he pick|the wrong car.[5171][5196]Oh don't, don't.[5296][5313]It was an interesting night.[5313][5339]That's one way|to put it.[5380][5394]You know, you never|really asked me[5394][5420]why I kill people.[5440][5468]I don't need to.[5701][5732]Price.[5733][5745]The man thrives on stories,[5746][5780]and I've just given him|a great twist.[5781][5798]If he writes|about Hannah and me[5798][5814]my career is a memory.[5815][5852]Clouds parted,|and much was revealed.[5853][5862]And that would be?[5863][5874]Now I know|why the blood work[5874][5901]on the Wayne Randall spree|was so spotty.[5901][5917]You were|protecting someone.[5918][5929]As far|as Price knows,[5929][5949]I'm an innocent lab geek|in over his head.[5949][5973]How long have you|been seeing her?[5974][5997]What do you want|to keep quiet?[5998][6019]It's not in my nature|to keep quiet about anything.[6019][6035]You can't write|about this.[6036][6060]It's nothing personal.|I'm just doing my job.[6061][6071]You'll destroy my job.[6072][6095]Sorry.|No way around that.[6116][6131]You could always|go on the record,[6131][6145]help me|get my facts straight.[6145][6193]I love writing about crimes|from the inside.[6194][6208]What if I give you|something better?[6208][6248]What better than "lab tech|seduced by femme fatale?"[6249][6273]I was the last one|to speak with Wayne Randall.[6273][6302]I could tell you|what his last words were.[6302][6321]How he really felt|about Hannah.[6322][6336]How do I know|you wouldn't be[6337][6359]making something up|to save your ass?[6360][6374]I wouldn't be,[6374][6390]but you'd have to judge|for yourself.[6390][6430]Either way,|I'd be on the record.[6430][6452]I'll give it|some thought.[6452][6483]In the meantime, I'll keep quiet|about you and Hannah McKay.[6484][6511]Show of good faith.[6512][6527]Between you and me,[6527][6566]I'd watch what I eat|around her.[6566][6596]I'll be in touch.[6688][6724]As if I needed another reason|to stay away from Hannah.[6724][6747]At least I've bought myself|some time.[6800][6811]This a good time?[6812][6843]Yes.[6844][6864]My theory|on the barrel girl killers[6864][6882]went nowhere.[6883][6897]I'm on a dead end|on bay harbor butcher.[6898][6913]- Shit.|- I was thinking[6913][6926]we could brainstorm.[6927][6950]I keep wondering|if we haven't missed something.[6950][6976]You know,|some angle, or--[6976][7011]- you know, maybe|we haven't missed anything.[7011][7029]- What do you mean?|- I mean, maybe[7029][7044]we've been sidetracked[7044][7068]by our feelings|about Sergeant Doakes.[7069][7091]I think|we've been objective.[7091][7117]Well, I guess I'm just|not sure, you know?[7117][7136]I know what it's like|to hold on[7137][7152]to an idea of someone,|you know?[7152][7173]To refuse to believe|that they have a dark side,[7174][7211]but everything we've done,|all the evidence,[7211][7243]it still|points to sergeant doakes.[7243][7276]At some point,|we have to face facts.[7276][7309]It's possible that we've been|reaching for leads.[7310][7343]So should we rethink|what we're doing here?[7343][7373]I mean, I just--|I don't know if it's worth it.[7396][7426]Maybe you're right.[7532][7551]I'm fucking|going to hell.[7570][7593]Sal Price made his living|writing about[7593][7613]the dark things|people do,[7614][7637]but he doesn't seem to have|a dark side of his own.[7638][7677]At least nothing|I can use.[7718][7728]You have a minute?[7729][7761]Sure.[7762][7781]- What's this?|- It's your blood spatter report[7782][7796]on the Wayne Randall|victims.[7796][7812]- What about it?|- Well, there's something weird[7813][7829]I was hoping|you could clear it up.[7830][7846]This blood spatter[7847][7876]points to a killer|other than Wayne Randall.[7876][7920]Someone smaller.[7920][7931]And how'd you|come to that?[7932][7970]Sal Price had an outside lab|run an analysis.[7971][7983]They found|the discrepancies.[7983][8002]Did you miss this?[8002][8021]Price strikes again.[8021][8036]Where will he|show up next?[8037][8057]Deb, I didn't miss|anything.[8057][8073]I considered|the same scenario.[8074][8089]And?[8089][8101]Bl|blood spatter[8102][8128]is largely a matter|of interpretat... 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