Dark Clouds Gather - 1st Edition, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons { 1st edition}
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91 51 An Adventure for 5-8 Characters, Level 7-9 Adventure Module for 5-8 Characters of Levels 7-9 CONTENTS DARK CLOUDS GATHER 2 2 From the D.irk Pa51 3 Thp Adventure Abbreviations 3 THEDARK SKY 4 (Map M: areas l-6/Maps 2 & 6: areas FI-F9) Recrnt Events The Scarralrre 4 7 CREDITS THUNDER ON THE MOUNTAIN (Map M - areas 7-9/Map 8) Tikka-ti-jarra ThrEagles 10 Storyline: Jim Bamhra, Phil Gallaghrr & Grarme Morris Editing & Production: TSR UK Design Team Art: Brian Williams Cartography: Paul Ruiz Playtrsting: Pat Whitchcad, Gerard Loncrg-an, Matt Connrll, Sirve Watrrs & Rob Martinsen I1 13 THEPEAKS OF LIGHT (Map M: areas 10-12 Maps 10 & 11: airas El-E8 & TLT6) The Journvy Mount Edrrglow Devral's Island The Crystal Citadel Leaving Mount Ederalow 14 14 15 17 17 21 MAPS ' d"' 23 DEATH IN THE SKIES (MapC . areas Cl-CZ3) The Cloud Castle MODULE FOLDER 23 1 ' The Approach 23 OUTSIDE Inside the Castle 24 ' ' Map M: CLOIJDSCAPE MOUNTAINS Aftermath 28 PULL-OUT SHEETS (hetwcen pages 14 & 15) INSIDE Map 2: LIJRNESI.YE 6: FANJYR WAY-STATION 8: TIKKA-TI-JARRA 10: SILVER MINE I I: MOUNT EDERGLOW & THE CRYSTAL CITADEL Man C: THE CLOUD CASTLE NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS I NEW MONSTERS I1 Ba'atun I1 Ycsorkh Pahych 111 Soul Beckoner 111 IV IV WANDERlNG MONTERS THE SKYFISH I1 you haw any qurs~ion~ rhir 01 any othrr nirtributed IO the book tiadr in Ihr I!nilcd Stair. by teganlin~ Random Hourr, lnc, arid tn Crrrsd;, hv Random Hniirr 01 Canada, Lcd. Dmrllmred to tlic toy and hobby trade TSRO pioducl. plrasr write to: TSK, Inc. TSR UK Ltd. by regional dirttibutrns. Diruibutcd m ilir Uoiwd Kmgdmn hy J.SR IIK Lrd. PO6 756 Thr Mill, Rathmorr Road Lake Geneva Cambridge CBI <AD WI 13147 llniwd Kingdom r-4 ISBN 0-8ROJR-2%-R 9151 TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF VOUR IMAGINaTION" This is an ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS@module for 5-8 characters of levels 7-9. Theadventurr takes plare in and around the Cloudsrapr Mountains: a large snow-covered mountain rangr, cut by a single pass - the Scarrahere. FROM THE DARK PAST In ages past, when the land was young and the dwarves had not yet emerged from beneath the mountains, the Arch-mag? Devral creatrd a wondrous citadel for herself, high in theCloudscapeMountains. With her mighty magics, Devral trans- formed the ice on Mount Ederglow into a crystal citadel with walls as hard as sicel. Isolated from the rest of the world, Devral and her assistants researched dccp into magical flight. Thry made many amazing discoveries which cu1minatf.d in the con- struction of the skyfish - an incredible flying device in the form of a giant manta ray (see Pull-out Sheet IV). One day Devral's researches were inter- ruptrd by threedesperate aarakoaaenvoys. In anguished tones, they begged her aid against "the snow demons'' - fearsome white, winged creatures who had becn attacking their nests and slaying aarakocra without merry. Devral listened closrly to their taleand resolved to help the birdfolk. Over the next few days she cast many powerful spells and discovered that thr snow demons were called ba'atun (pro- nounced "hah-TOON") and were led by an evil, hlack female named Yesorkh Pahyeh, who had the power to possess other crraturcs (see Pull-out Sheet 111). The Freeing of Yesorkh With llic giants' castle in her power, Ycsorkh/I.achlan's attention has turned to the anrakocra. Rrrently, three aarakorra nests have been destroyed and the remain- ingaarakocra now live in fear of thr "wil" giant and his dark, sinister castle. One fateful day thirty years ago, a young cloudgiant ralled LactiIan "horrowrd" the gem (without his parents'knowledge) and, while using it in a game, accidently rolled itoff thesideof thccloud. Upon hittingthe ground, the gem shattered, and Yesorkh Pahyeh was frce! At once she sped to her ancient lair, whereaclutchof ba'atun eggs had bren carefully stored centuries before. Fear also grips the human villagc-ers of Lurneslyc (arra 2). For the dark clouds call to mind an ancient prophecy of "dark demons from the sky", related by a parchmrnt in the possession of Bernhardt, the head cleric of the villaxe is?? Pull-out Sheet I), Devral quickly devised a plan to defeat the ba'atun andcalled upon a familyofneutral good cloud giants to help her. The cloud giants were more than willing to rid the mountains of the ba'atun menace. Moving their flying cloud castle under cover of night, the giants led the aarakocra assault on the ha'atun. As Yesorkh attempted to possess one of thr giants, Devral swept in on her magical griffon (see arra T3) and cast a trap the soul spell, imprisoning the black ha'atun within the confines of a magical gem. Without their leader, the ha'aiun were soondestroyed. Theaarakocra returned to their peaceful existencr and, over ihecenturies, the terror of the ha'atun was forgotten. Having no idea of the length of her imprisonment, Yesorkh's greatest fear was that Devral still lived. So she hatchrd the eggs and hid from the world while thc ha'atun grew to maturity. In the darkness of her ancient lair she nurtured her anger, reliving the humiliation of her defeat. Long she brooded on how to exact her vengeanceandpunish the hated aarakocra, but at last ihr ba'atun WCR ready, and Yesorkh's plot could be put intoaction ..... In order to turn the frightened human populace against thc aarakocra. Yesorkh's minions have attacked caravans travelling through thr Scarrabrre Pass, and have left aarakocra corpses amid thr carnage, as though thc birdfolk were the aggrcssors. The discovery of thesr corpsrs Ird Rern- hardt to bclicvr that the aarakocra arr ihe demons of which his parchment foretold. The Darkness Spreads ,Meanwhilr Kirraka, the head shaman of the aarakocra, after consuming some magiral, trance-inducing Charrak seeds (see page II) has expcricnrtd a vision in which a mysterious group of adventurcrs appeared to him. Convinced that these adventurers air the key to the aarakocra's survival he has setit an aarakocra envoy, Tcho'eh (pronounced "rho-AY"), in srarch forthem in the lowlands. But thr lowlands are no longcr safr for thc birdfolk. Yrsorkh's policy to incriminateand isolate the aarakocra has worked well. frar now Already venerable, Devral guarded the gem imprisoningYesorkh, but as her timegrew near, she gavr it io the cloud giants for safe keeping. For over twenty fivr centuries the gem lay hidden in the depths of the giants' stronghold, hut with the passing of time, the giants' memorics of the ba'atun dimmcd. Finally, the gem's function as a prison faded from thrir minds altogether, anditcame to brconsidcrrdasjustanother valuahle stone. It was a rimplr matter for Ycsorkh to possess an unsuspcrting merchant, and in this guise she was able to possess Lachlan, now an adult cloud giant. Lachlan had inhcriied thc castlr from his parents and in his form, Yesorkhdiscovered that shecould control the cloud castlr and through it, certain aspects of the wrather. Gradually castle lost its whit? glow while the clouds surrounding it brcamr dark and oppressive. th~ 2 DARK CLOUDS GATHER (From the Dark Past) Aerial Combat Monsters likely to IC involved in aerial combath;tvethreehit point totalslistedfor them, e.%.hp 12/6/3. The first figure is the creature's normal hit points; the figurc aftrr the slash shows at which point it becomes unable to continue stahlr flight and is forcrd to land; and the third figure shows at what point the creature simply plummets from the sky (see DMG pi3). Thefigoresallow for the fact thatfcathrred wings (cf. aarakocra) arc harder to damage than membranous ones (cf. ba'atun). ABBREVIATIONS In this module, thc statistics of moilstem and non-player characters have been stan- dardised. The information is given after the monster'dNPC's name, as follows: AC =Armour Class; MV = Movement Ratc; MC = Manoeuvrability Class (see DMG p50); HD = Hit Dice (monsters)or Class/ Level (NPCs only); hp = current hit points (figures in brackets indicate maximum hit points of wounded crcatures); #AT = Number of attacks; D = Damage caused by attacks; SA/SD = Special Attacks and/or Special Defences; MR =Magic Resistance; Int = Intelligence (monsters and minor NPCs only); AL = Alignment; xp = Experience Points awarded for overcoming. grips thrvillagersof Lunrrslyr~nd thr. best an aarakocra can hope for is a quick and painless death. perhaps tradesmen in a nearby town hme asked them to discover why a number of merchant caravans have not arrived. The following additional abhrrviations are used: As in any role-playing adventure, players' actions can lead to unpredictable results, and it may be necessary to adapt the adventure to suit your players. The char- acters have plenty of opportunities to deviate from the proposed course of the adventureor even toabandon theaarakocra to their fate. 11 is up to yon as DM, as 10 how much influenceyou bring to bear in order to avert this, taking particular account of thealignmentsof the characters. In various places the flow of the adventure is depen- dent on the actions of certain NPCs. You should use these NPCs to guide the adven- turers. If, as might happen, this dors not work out, you must find an alternative means of continuing the adventure. For example, if Tcho'ch is killed in Lurneslye, another aarakocra envoy should meet the charactrrs to guide them to Tikka-ti-jarra. THE ADVENTURE C = Cleric; F =Fighter; MU = Magic User; S = Strength; I = Intelligence; W = Wisdom; D = Dexterity; C = Constitution; Ch = Charisma; MM = AD&D@ Monster Man- ual; MMII = Monster Manual 11; FF = FIEND FOLIO@ tome; BHB = AD&D Players Handbook; DMG = AD&D Dun- geon Masters Guide. The adventure begins near the village of Lurneslye on the road leading to the Scarrabere Pass. In the village, the adven- turers have the opportunity to rescue Tcho'eh, the innocent aarakocra envoy from the clutches of the over-zralous Bernhardt. THACO = To Hit Armour Class Zero. This is thr roll on a d20 needed by a creature to hit an opponent with AC 0 (see DMG p196- 215). In most cases, the roll needed to hit other armnur classes = THACO minus AC. Some creatures, whose hit probability is very low, have been given a THACO of20', and you should consult therelrvant tables (see DMG p74-5) to find the rolls needed to hit other armour classes. Tcho'eh will attempt to recruit the adven- turers' aid against the "evil" cloud giant and his castle, and will lead them toTikka- ti.jarra, the home of the aarakocra. Wor- king on information from the aarakocra shaman and a group of giant eagles, the party will beable tolocateDevral'sancient crystal citadel at Mount Ederglow. The citadel contains Devral's magical, flying skyiish. By recowring this fantastic artifact the adventurrrs will be able to take on Yesorkh Pahyeh in her usurped cloud castle. and banish thr dark clouds forever. Weather and Visibility BOXED SECTIONS include that insormation which the characters would get from the first sight of an area or room. You may either para- phrase or read them outaswritten. In cases where player characters would instantly recognisr the monsters seen, you should of course substitute the monsters' name(s)forthe description given. During the adventure the sky will grow increasingly dark as the black clouds spread ovrr the mountains. By thr time the party meets the dwarves nrar Mount Edcrglow(areal0-page15)theskyshould heamassofhillowingblackclouds, brokrn occasionally by a flash of lightning. The encroaching darkness should he used to add to thr module's atmosphere and to spur the party on. Running the Adventure There are several ways of starting the adventure. For example, the party could he simply travcllingalons the road to Lurnes- lye on thr way io soniewhere else. Alter- natively, they might be following rumours that there are bandits in the Scarrabere, or DARK CLOUDS GATHER (TheAduenture/Abbreviatio~) 3 RECENT EVENTS demon in disguise. Bernhardt hasorganiscd a public trial of the 'demon', to take place on the day of thc party's arrival. This trial will see him demanding the maximum penalty under the law - death by burning. People are flocking to the village squarc to hear the 'drmon' confess to its sins, and to watch Bernhardt banish the dark clouds. the text. Thc actions and pcrronalitics of rhrsr NPCs should br used to cncourage the characrers LO become involved in the adventure and, it is hoprd, rescue Tcho'eh. If all else fails, Asdos can be relied upon to brg the party to intervene. Ham up this section as much as you like and above all, enjoy yourself! Lurneslye (see Map M and Map Z), is a small farming villagr governed by a group of clerics of lawful neutral alignment. Clearly visible from Lurnrslye are the Cloudscapr Mountains. Normally pictur- esque, with silvery-white clouds blowing along theirpeaks, the mountains now have a dark and sinister appearance. Large black clouds cast an ominous shadow over the land; a shadow which is growing visibly day by day. The clerics and villagers tear thearrival ofwingeddemons (as foretoldin an ancient prophecy), and the discovery of aarakocra corpses in thr Scarrabere has intensified this fear (see The Darkness Spreads - page 2). Important NPCs The Trial This section is designed 10 introduce the players to the adventurr. Some of the background information which is vital to the successful running of this section, is only to be found in the details of the thrre major NPCs describcd on the Pull-out Sheet (between pages 14 and 15). These characters are Brmhardt, the bead clrric of Lurneslye; Tcho'eh, the aarakocra envoy; and Asdos, a visiting neutral good cleric. You should refer to Pull-out Sheet I whenever thesecharactersare mentioned in The villagers, normally a simple, ppare- loving folk, are afraid and vrry cxritablr. Bcmhardt, convinced that Tcho'eh is a demon, intends to carry out the law to the Irtter and burn him - preferably after be has obtainrd a full confession. In this he has the full support of thevillagers. During thr proceedings there will be numerous shouts ot "Burn it, it's a demon", "Pluck its feathers,makeit squawk", andsoon, as the crowd is swept along by Bernhardt's rhetoric. Two days before the party arrives in Lurneslye, Tcho'eh, an aarakocra envoy, was captured and brought before Bern- hardt. After briefly interrogating Tcho'eh, Bernhardt became convinced that he was a 4 THE DARK SKY (Recent Evenis) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |