Dark Age

Dark Age, Gry, Heroes 3 - maps, Maps, Maps
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THE CARTOGRAPHER MAP SUBMISSIONMap Name: Dark AgeMap Maker: Jörgen LindeE-Mail Address: tomli@ebox.tninet.seMap Type: Large, 2 Levels; 1H, 5CLanguage: EnglishNotes: Disable the Word-Wrap feature or resize the window if this textisn't displayed normally.If you e-mail any comments or questions about the map, you willhave to excuse me for not being able to answering them duringthe following days (due to my not being at home):9 June 1999 - 25 August 1999.AW map tester (see map testers), Bernie Margolis is alsoavailable to you and can answer most questions.Will there be a sequel?-If you want there to be one, there will be one or more.Description: You have to capture the Inferno town of Demon Gate,without losing the hero Garth. The storyline is introduced bydifferent events and continues until you are either victoriousor dead. The style of the map is 'like a path'.Playtime is rather long (approx. 90 turns). The options tofreely move about have been limited so that the computer will putup a more effective resistance. Map Difficulty has been estimatedto Hard (in conjunction with setting the Player Difficulty toExpert). First timers may claim that the map is too hard, butafter a few tries, you'll find it easier. I would recommend thatyou do not choose any Player Difficulty other than Expert(- Make sure to choose the Resource Bonus, though).Special Win: Capture Demon GateSpecial Loss: Lose the hero named GarthSpecial Other: noneNarrative: You are Garth, the son of the Captain of the isolated town ofIceguard. You have been sent to investigate the disappearanceof your neighbour to the southeast, Ellard the wheeler. Soon yourealize that something strange is going on...Play-Testers: Bernie Margolis (bemargol@cs.nmsu.edu)Tomas Linde (same email as the map maker)Myself (-well?)Special Thanks: To Bernie Margolis for his good map testing qualities. His goodcriticism (both positive and negative) was of great help in thematuring- and improving process of the map. The linguisticadvice was splendid!SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!The Basic Hints are:* Magic skills are very important, choose them wisely.Don't count on getting 'Town Gate', 'Summon Boat', 'Dim Door','Fly', or 'Waterwalk'.(-Wisdom is not so important)* Archery would be extra beneficial to Garth. If you never get to chooseit, you'll have to cope anyway (- consider it bad luck or poor choosing).* All Inferno Cities have the same name, making it a bit moredifficult to find the one you need to conquer.* Your aim should be to have built the Training Grounds before the endof the first week. This means securing the sawmill by day 1 or day 2.A citadel should also be in place by that time.* Hire a second Hero (preferably Knight/Cleric) and add his/her troopsto Garth's, before he leaves from his starting position.* Have you noticed the Lean-To, closeby, south of Iceguard?* After clearing the watermill area and securing the wood supply (the orderof these can be reversed at your preference), you should try to get holdof the ore to the west.* If you are still low on wood before the 2nd week starts (meaning no chanceof getting the Cavaliers structure, then maybe you should consider a restart).* Remember - You have a marketplace in South Gate. Trading for wood may not beuncommon, especially during the 2nd week.* The garrison to the north looks more dangerous than it really is, but don'tturn your attention to it until the rest of the areas south of it have beencleared.* Blue, Tan and Green have unreachable resources which will aid them and be of nouse to you. (You will probably not even see those resources). That is why theycan afford their armies and conquering their lands and towns won't yield verymuch gold nor resources. This is because you don't want huge amounts of goldand resources piling up in your treasury all the time, do you?* At the closing stages you might need to be sneaky. You might consider yourtroops to be tremendous and your skills to be great but nevertheless...Don't use up all your movement points and disguise yourself to improveyour chances of not being attacked by a strong hero such as Lord Skel.If you didn't do well on your first try - don't despair and feel frustrated.Only the very best and most lucky beats the map at the first try. Well, if youthink the map is too hard, then you are wrong! Read the Advanced Hints!The Advanced Hints are:* Speed is the most essential quality of a good hero. Remember the beginning:"...soon it may be unstoppable!"* Always pick gold over exp (until you have passed those Behemots in the N).* Air and Earth Magic could be Essential, meaning if you get to choose them,you should probably do that right away.* Trade wood to be able to build a castle a few days before the end of week 2.* Never mind about archers at first - build a Monastery instead.* Don't hire too many troops. When going for South Gate, 5 Cavaliers are enough,coupled with what you already have. After So.Ga. - keep the 5 Cav and bringalong lots/a horde of Halberdiers for the risky battles.* Saving the money will allow you to have a Capitol by week 2 Day 5 or 6.(Day 7 is the day for building the Monastery)* If you are lucky with finding wood then you'll have Champions at thebeginning of week 3. At that time, hire all Zealots and Cavaliers/Champions,and bring along appr. 70 Halberdiers (in 2 groups at first). Take out thegarrison and head N. You may wish to bring along some Marksmen forsacrificing purposes.* Take the gem mine and defeat the Black Knights.* Descend... by day 7 (week 3) you should be close to the surface, or on thesurface again. Head to town to gain the stables bonus. Day 2 is the day whenthe reinforcements arrive. This marks the departure time for the Black Border.You should now have a large force. (31 Crusaders, 13 Champions, et.c.)* Take out the Iron Golems but let somebody else pick resources. Take out theBehemots and the Vampire Lords. You can examine the Tomb or have someoneelse do it.* Head for Illuria. Take out Blue's Castles then rest a week while visiting theArena and awaiting reinforcements. Month 2 Week 2 Day 1 is a nice day forbeginning the journey beyond the Black Border again. A week later is acceptable,but then you'll have to hurry up a bit.* Only visit the Dragons if you feel sure they'll join you - slim chance!* Down in the dungeon again, you will have a force of mighty troops:>150 Halberdiers, > 60 Marksmen, ,>40 Royal Griffins, >50 Crusaders,>30 Zealots, >17 Champions and 2-5 Angels.* This force can easily take out all opposition down here, if you use your spellskills right.* Entering the swamps with this force will guarantee a victory. However it can bea tough time anyway. Remember that new fresh troops await you in the Ancientcity of Arcana. So after having dealt Tan his death blow, head there.* Before you leave, leave 1 slot for the Black Dragon.* In Arcana, buy all troops from Archmage and up, then upgrade them and visitthe Seer.* Now try to persuade the mages to join you - it's not a disaster if they don't.* Visit the white tent and make sure you know how to Disguise yourself.* Try taking Ivor out. You need to use Earth Magic at expert level to avoid toobig losses. The Golden Bow is your prize. If you suffer big losses you have tohire a hero in Cathras (city in the swamp) and employ mighty swamp armies.* Finally head to Anglia, upgrade any Angels and destroy Demon Gate withoutgetting killed by a strong Hero, e.g. Lord Skel or Axtrodus. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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