Detailed story lines

Detailed story lines, Język angielski, Extra English, additions
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extr@ English Programme Summaries


Episode 1: Hector’s Arrival

Bridget and Annie share a flat in London. Bridget is a fitness enthusiast and also a tough nut when it comes to romance. She receives a letter from her old penfriend in Argentina called Hector saying that he plans to visit – on that very day! There is a knock on the door but it is not Hector it is Nick, the boy next door who fancies Bridget and will not be happy to hear that he has new competition. When Hector does arrive, at first he doesn’t look very attractive. He is dressed very strangely and acts very strangely. The girls leave him with Nick who persuades him to tell Annie that her dog is in the oven, and to ride on Bridget’s exercise bike knowing that she hates anyone riding her bike. When the girls return they are suitably annoyed and decide that Hector must go. That is, until he emerges from the shower! When they see him without his old-fashioned clothes, they realise that he is very good looking. Nick discovers that Hector comes from ‘one of the richest families in Argentina’, but Hector is determined to keep it a secret. Now, both Nick and the girls are very keen for him to stay!


Episode 2: Hector Goes Shopping

Hector needs some new clothes and Bridget, Annie and Nick offer to help. Each has a different idea about how he should look. They teach him some shopping phrases, but eventually they go off to buy some clothes for him. Hector is left in the flat and decides to do the food shopping on the internet. Unfortunately he gets the numbers all wrong and far too much food is delivered. When the girls and Nick return they have each bought him a different piece of clothing … in a different style. The results are disastrous, so Hector decides he’ll go and try for himself. He returns with a stylish outfit that surprises them all. Then they get a call from the landlady: why is the lobby filled with cases of dog food?


Episode 3: Hector Has a Date

Annie is trying to find a boyfriend on the internet but is not having much luck. Hector is exercising with a fitness video but Bridget thinks she can teach him herself, much to Nick’s annoyance. Bridget and Annie go out leaving Hector to water the plants and put on the washing machine. Hector mistakes perfume for flower spray and puts the washing machine on a very hot wash. The two boys decide to see if they can get a date on the internet. They write an exaggerated description of themselves and fake some photos. They then leave. The girls return to find that the plant has died and Hector’s red tee-shirt has turned all the washing bright pink. They are furious. Annie finds that she has hundreds of messages on the computer in response to the boys’ advert. Bridget and Annie decide to have some fun and get their own back on Hector. They delete all the messages, but then send one from themselves, setting up a date. The boys are very excited, especially as the girls have described themselves as exotic dancers. However, when they finally arrive, they are wearing dog costumes! They are dancers in ‘Woof – The Musical’. It takes a while for the boys to realise they have been tricked.


Episode 4: Hector Looks for a Job

Nick is looking for a job as a stuntman and Hector decides that he should get a job too. The girls help him decide to try for a job as a waiter. Bridget invites her boss to the flat for dinner. The girls also receive a mysterious gift: a beautiful new dress for each of them. They assume that the dresses come from Bridget’s boss. He has a reputation as a womaniser so the boys decide to help at the dinner party: Nick will do the cooking and Hector will be the waiter. It will be good practice. When the boss, Howard, arrives it is clear that he has bad intentions and insults the boys. Bridget does not like this and she throws him out and then resigns. Then the girls discover that in fact the dresses were a present from Hector. However, the girls still do not realise how rich he is.

 Episode ­5: A Star Is Born

Nick receives a phone call to say that he has got a part in a television programme that goes out every night at 6 o’clock. He is very happy. Meanwhile Annie has been watching too many adverts and we see how things have gone wrong when she tries to recreate her favourite ads in her own kitchen. By now Hector is very interested in Annie (who of course is still interested in Nick) and decides that he wants to impress her by cooking her favourite chocolate dessert. Bridget is very disappointed as she feels she is the one who could be Hector’s girlfriend. Hector’s cooking is a success but it is interrupted at 6 o’clock when he and the girls switch on the TV to see that Nick is the new novelty weatherman on the local cable station. It is a disastrous performance, but he has attracted a huge fan club of admiring girls who have chased him from the TV studio, all the way back to the flat.


Episode 6: Bridget Wins the Lottery              Bridget is obsessed with the lottery and has a precise routine to bring her luck. Hector is puzzled, especially when he is told that his orange tee-shirt will bring bad luck. He is asked to collect the dry-cleaning, but unfortunately takes the lottery ticket instead of the dry-cleaning ticket. Then he meets Nick who uses the ticket to write down the number of a girl he has just met. When the lottery numbers are announced, Bridget is doing her yoga and when the numbers are shown on the screen, she is watching the TV upside down with the sound off. To her intense excitement, she realises that she is a winner. She and Annie fantasise about what she will do with the money and Bridget leaves a message at work, handing in her notice. Then she discovers the ticket has gone. To make matters worse, Hector has lost the ticket. This is also a disaster for Nick, who is desperate for the girl’s phone number. Hector is sent to look for the ticket. Meanwhile Annie finds the ticket and an excited Bridget phones up to claim her prize, but finds that the numbers are all wrong. Hector is able to explain that she must have read them upside down. Meanwhile, Nick is trying to phone the girl he met. However, he too is disappointed … she gave him a wrong number.


Episode 7: The Twin

Bridget’s twin sister emails to say that she is coming to visit. They agree not to tell Annie and the boys, so that they can have some fun. Hector is sympathising with Bridget: they both seem to have difficult mothers. Nick has got another TV job, this time as a doctor in a soap opera. He is determined to practise on Hector. Bridget’s twin sister arrives. She looks identical but has a very different personality. She loves doctors and is very interested in Nick. This is confusing, as Bridget certainly does not seem interested in Nick. The confusion builds and builds as the two ‘Bridgets’ seem to contradict each other all the time, and no one can work out what is going on. Finally Annie sees both sisters at the same time. The three girls decide to play a trick on the boys and set up an elaborate magic show where Bridget is made to disappear and reappear. The boys are puzzled until all is revealed.


Episode 8: The Landlady’s Cousin

Annie receives a note announcing that the old landlady is away on holiday but her cousin Eunice will be in charge during her absence. Everyone assumes that the cousin will be just as bad. The girls have bought a new self-assembly shelving unit. As usual the instructions are confusing and it is very difficult to assemble. Nick is called down to meet the landlady’s cousin. On his return it is obvious that she is not what he expected. It turns out that she is a glamorous man-eater and Nick is her first meal! They start dating. Meanwhile Hector is determined to get together with Annie and it seems that love is in the air as they try to assemble the shelves together. Nick is getting desperate because Eunice is too much for him and he appeals to Bridget to help. She does so by pretending to be in love with him herself. This angers the cousin and raises Nick’s hopes but in the end it is only Hector and Annie who have a serious relationship.


Episode 9: Jobs for the Boys

Nick thinks he has got a part in a Shakespeare play. When he is trying out his costume and lines, Annie and Bridget come in and discover that he is wearing Bridget's tights. Bridget is very proud of her new job at Channel 9. She is always showing off about the celebrities she meets every day. But she has some good news for Hector. The TV station is looking for a news reporter and Bridget persuades Hector to come in for an interview. Hector is not sure his English will be good enough but Bridget believes he can do it, because his English is improving all the time and good looks are even more important. But it is Nick who offers Hector some tips. When Hector does appear for an interview he discovers that Bridget’s new boss is in fact the landlady’s cousin who is more interested in good looks than in excellent language. Hector gets the job and arrives home to discover that Nick’s Shakespeare job was in fact the job of delivery boy for Hamlet’s Burgers, the fast food chain.

 Episode 10: Annie’s Protest

Late at night Annie and her friend Ziggy drop off a large, mysterious package to Nick. Annie is organising a protest outside a cosmetics factory that uses guinea pigs for testing. She and Ziggy dress up as animals to make the point. Hector is told by Eunice to go and cover the demonstration and that she wants him to be tough on the ‘hippy protestors’. Meanwhile Nick wakes up to find that the box is full of guinea pigs. After he feeds them he forgets about them. At the demonstration Hector is instructed to find the ringleader. The ringleader is, of course, Annie. Back at the flat Bridget is keen to get ready for her next celebrity premiere. Annie and Hector return to the flat and have a furious row about Hector’s disloyalty. Nick realises that the guinea pigs have escaped. They find all but one. Hector is saved when Eunice calls to say that she was very pleased with the interview, and now wants the TV station to be Animal Friendly. We discover the missing guinea pig has eaten a large patch out of Bridget’s dress for the premiere.


Episode 11: Holiday Time

It’s time for a holiday! Hector is keen to take everyone to Argentina but then they discover how much that will cost. After much discussion they decide on a long weekend in Spain. Hector should be able to help with the language. On the day of departure Bridget has packed three huge suitcases. Nick tells everyone that all you really need is money, ticket and passport. In Spain they go to a café, which turns out to be a traditional English tea shop. Bridget is certain that the very good looking boy on the other side of the room is Enrique Iglesias. Bridget goes over to introduce herself. Meanwhile the waitress is attracted to Nick. They decide to go clubbing and Bridget is proud to show off her new Spanish boyfriend Miguel.


Episode 12: Football Crazy

It’s the World Cup. Spain, Argentina and England are all doing very well. England is playing Argentina in the semi-finals. Hector, Annie and Bridget are watching the game on TV. Nick is out working, but he has said that he does not want to know the score as he will watch the video of the game after he returns. It is a tight match but England beats Argentina. The girls tell Hector that he must not tell Nick the score. Bridget is very distracted because her boyfriend Miguel is coming to visit. Miguel calls Hector to ask him for some expressions in English so he can demonstrate how much he likes Bridget. Annie walks in during the telephone call, and assumes that Hector is speaking to Bridget. She refuses to speak to Hector. Miguel will certainly want to watch the Cup Final; now Spain v England. Bridget decides to have her hair cut in Miguel’s honour, but ends up with an awful style, which she tries to keep covered. When Miguel arrives, however, his hair is exactly the same. They all watch the match and England wins on penalties. Miguel is miserable but Bridget persuades him to speak some more English to her. Annie realises that she got the wrong idea, and she forgives Hector. He then asks Annie to marry him.


Episode 13: A Wedding in the Air

Hector and Annie are trying to agree on what sort of wedding they are going to have. Annie wants a simple ceremony at the animal sanctuary. Unfortunately for Hector, his mother is on her way over in the family jet. She wants to know whether they have booked Westminster Abbey. Hector hasn’t had the courage to tell Annie that his mother is arriving and has a big problem when he realises that he must meet his mother at 5pm and Annie has insisted that he meet her at the same time. Hector cannot decide between his mother and Annie so stays in the flat waiting for the explosion! At the office Bridget is looking for interesting people to interview and remembers her editor’s interest in Nick, who now has a small part as a fireman in a TV series. Eventually both Annie and Hector’s mother arrive back at the flat. Mrs Romero mistakes Bridget for Annie. Annie is very upset. Bridget interviews Nick as a fireman and discovers that she likes him after all. Hector confronts his mother and defends Annie. Hector tells his mother that he and Annie have decided to wait before marrying. Unfortunately nobody has yet told Nick, who is dressed for the Stag Night.


Episode 14: Changes

Now that he is Bridget's new boyfriend, Nick is trying to live up to her high standards ... but he is failing. His table manners, personal habits and lack of respect are not good enough. Bridget decides to give him a makeover and tries to train him to behave as she would like. Hector's mother is still in town, determined to put Hector off the idea of marrying Annie. Mrs Romero tells Hector that back home in Argentina they have a very suitable girl for him. This girl is almost aristocracy, much more suited to the Romero family name. Hector wants his mother to give Annie a chance – to see the real, sweet, wonderful Annie – so he organises a dinner at the flat. Annie also has to be persuaded. She eventually agrees, and Bridget takes her shopping for an outfit – one that will impress Mrs Romero. It takes a while to find the perfect look, but when Mrs Romero arrives, she is wearing exactly the same outfit. The evening is almost a disaster. Hector has to stop Annie from attacking Mrs Romero. It is Charley – Annie's dog – who brings everyone together in the end.


Episode 15: The Bouncer

Removing a splinter from Hector's finger, Annie realises that he is not the most macho of men – he is even terrified of needles. He realises that he is a wimp. Nick has got a job as a bouncer at the very fashionable club, Ice. Naturally Bridget wants to be added to the guest list, so she can mingle with the stars. Nick refuses. Annie tries to persuade Hector to have a tattoo. She already has one, and Hector reluctantly agrees. Nick is enjoying his new job. Annie is impressed that Hector gets the tattoo done, but after Charley licks Hector’s leg, it becomes apparent that it was a fake tattoo. It is Latino night at Ice, and it is rumoured that J.Lo will make a guest appearance. Hector is delighted that the club needs another bouncer for the night, as this is his opportunity to show he is not a wimp. Nick promises Bridget and Annie that he will get them in but it all goes wrong when a fight breaks out as some other guests try to chat up Bridget and Annie.


Episode 16: Uncle Nick

Nick receives a call asking him for help. It is Victoria, a friend of his who knows the famous film director, George Ducas. In hope of fame and fortune, Nick wants Victoria to tell the director what a great actor his is, so agrees to help her. He tells the others that he has just been asked to look after something for her. It becomes apparent that the 'something' is a hungry, messy, noisy seven-year-old boy called Lucas. Victoria's au pair has eloped with the postman so she needs someone to look after him while she is in New York. After the child arrives there is chaos. Annie finds it difficult to concentrate on revision for her exams, and Lucas destroys the flat. He ruins Bridget's makeover photos, plays on her beloved exercise bike, and wraps up poor Charley in toilet paper. Hector almost falls out of the window when he tries to clean it, so they call in a window cleaner. Bridget is about to murder the little guest when she notices that the window cleaner is very attractive. She invites him in for a cup of tea. When Nick returns, Bridget is happy that the boys are fighting over her.

Episode 17: Cyber Stress

Bridget decides that she needs a new computer for work. She asks Hector and Nick to help her choose it. Annie is totally distracted, waiting for her exam results. There is other mail: bills and a note from the landlady. The computer arrives and Bridget leaves it to the boys to set up. They ignore the instructions and end up taking it apart, then putting it back together again. It looks okay. Inspired by their apparent success with the computer, the boys are convinced that they are superior male beings and decide to battle out their superiority in the 'Man Olympics'. The Man Olympics carries on with events such as marshmallow eating and seeing who can go the longest without a visit to the bathroom. Of course, the computer doesn't work, so the boys take it apart again. Bridget phones the computer company to have it fixed properly. Annie’s letter arrives and she has passed. She kisses everyone, including the man who delivered the letter. The computer hero arrives and fixes the computer. Bridget and Annie decide on the final challenge in the Man Olympics – for all of the boys. Are they man enough to do the housework?


Episode 18: Just the Ticket

Annie is sitting in front of a pile of rejection letters. Even though she passed her exams she has not been successful in getting a job so far. When Nick comes back in a rage because he has got a parking ticket, Annie opens a letter telling her that she has got the job she applied for ... a job as a traffic warden. Hector and Nick give her role-play help for the entrance test, which includes arguing with angry car owners. Hector is presenting the Miss Eurobabe contest on TV, and Bridget desperately tries to keep Nick away but he keeps appearing. Hector gets a little muddled with the girls, but the main crisis of the evening is that Miss Englandbabe hasn’t arrived. Nick tries to save the contest by dressing up as Miss Englandbabe but he doesn't convince the audience. When Annie turns up in her new Traffic Warden uniform, however, she wins the Eurobabe contest.


Episode 19: Kung Fu Fighting

Nick has an audition in the new Ricky Chung movie. Channel 9 is making cuts, and Bridget hopes to save her job by securing an interview with the gorgeous Ricky Chung, Kung Fu star. Nick gets the job, and Bridget becomes interested in oriental things. Annie is angry that Nick has auditioned for a violent film. When she meets Richard, however, she finds another gentle person who agrees with her peaceful approach to life. Nick's part in the film is not a glamorous one and he is soon in hospital. Everyone comes to visit him and Bridget is especially concerned about her interview with Ricky. Ricky also comes to visit, and it is revealed that Richard and Ricky are the same person. Bridget is delighted, as she can now interview a Kung Fu star who is against violence!


Episode 20: Every Dog has its Day

Hector, Nick and Charley are watching a dog show on TV. When the boys hear that there is a large cash prize for the winner they decide to enter Charley. Annie thinks that dog shows are cruel so the boys know that they will have to train Charley in secret, without Annie knowing about it. They start the training without Charley as Annie has taken him to the vet. Bridget has a new boyfriend called Phillip and when she brings him home, Nick and Hector are in the middle of practising 'dog yoga'. Things in the flat start disappearing mysteriously; not just small things, but the kettle and the fridge and the girls start accusing each other. Nick takes Charley for a walk, but he goes to a pub and returns to the flat without Charley. When Nick goes back to find him, the dog has disappeared and there is a note in his place, saying that they are too cruel to be dog owners. They begin an intensive search. Nick calls Hector to say he has found Charley but in fact it is a dog belonging to an elderly lady, so Nick is arrested. They are all eventually reunited and after some training, the boys take Charley to the dog show. They win the show, and even Annie is pleased. Unfortunately the £2,000 prize can only be spent in the pet shop. Charley then reveals the thief ... Phillip.


Episode 21: The Entertainers

Annie has been taking her new hobby very seriously. She is learning hypnotism but without much success. She tries to hypnotise Charley, Nick and Hector but nothing happens. Bridget does a news story about how the rich organise their children's parties. Nick suggests that he and Hector could make a fortune as party organisers for the children of the rich and famous. Nick sets up a web page to advertise, and almost immediately they have a client. It is Victoria Ducas, Nick's old friend who married a famous film director. The real party entertainers have been booked for that day – and she needs to throw a party for her daughter Daisy. The boys drive off in their 'Posh Party' van. Bridget has reluctantly agreed to help. The children are hard to please, but Hector and Nick start their magic show. Everything goes wrong as Daisy disappears – completely – in the magic wigwam. They try to distract everyone with a big cake. Hector and Nick start behaving very strangely. It seems that Annie's hypnotism did work – but only Annie can reverse the hypnotic state. Annie saves the day and finds the lost child. For the children, it was the best party ever – although Victoria Ducas does not agree.


Episode 22: Haunting at Halloween

It is 31 October. Annie is practising her psychic skills, but Bridget has already been to see Rose Marie, her fortune teller. The boys want to learn about palm reading but in the end they read their horoscopes to find out what will happen that day. Nick must beware of black hair and the number three. There is a knock at the door. It is Bernard, the neighbour. He has 'lost his Marbles' (his cat). Later, Hector tells a spooky story. Nick pretends to dismiss it, but he is very frightened. He thinks that something strange is happening: a bad apple, a broken mirror, a black cat and strange noises at the door. He opens it and finds three children dressed as ghouls, then goes next door to find three grown-up ghouls. The children are trick-or-treaters and the grown ups are Hector, Annie and Bridget dressed up, ready for the Halloween party. At the party, Nick is convinced that three girls with black hair like him. Later, they return to the flat and there is a power cut, and even more strange, noises from outside the window. It is Bernard, out on the roof, looking for his cat, Marbles. The boys are scared and don't want to go to bed, so they start playing scary games. Hector and Nick return to their own beds but the storm outside continues to terrify them. Bernard eventually finds his cat on Hector’s bed.


Episode 23: Truth or Dare

During an evening of playing Truth or Dare with Ziggy, Bridget is dared to declare her love for Bernard the neighbour; and Nick is dared to go out shopping – completely naked. Ziggy is dared to kiss Nick, but Bridget teases her about it. They decide on a group Dare ... they must all spend 24 hours telling the truth. If successful they will win a meal at a fashionable restaurant. Nick has a nightmare in which Annie appears as a Judge, which terrifies him, so he takes his truthful 24 hours very seriously. Hector and Annie think it may make their relationship stronger if they are honest about how they feel about each other. Nick attends an audition for a yoghurt commercial but finds it impossible to say 'mmmm, delicious' when eating the yoghurt. Bridget oversleeps and is late for work again, but cannot lie to Eunice about why she is late. Bridget receives a lot of calls from old boyfriends, and then realises that she has lost her mobile phone. Whoever has it has sent a very truthful message to Eunice. They have also sent a message to Bernard telling him to come to the flat. Bridget realises it is Ziggy who has been sending messages. Eunice also arrives at the flat and likes Bernard. She leaves the flat with him, saying that he could be a great new weather presenter at Channel 9.


Episode 24: Pilot Nick

Annie is preparing food for a Traffic Protest street party and Bridget walks in. She has been charged with organising some building work for Eunice. Annie has been given a precious piece of furniture from her grandmother. Nick arrives – dressed as an airline pilot. He has a part in a play in Paris. Hector helps him learn his lines. Bridget goes into work, and orders the builders to start work in Eunice’s flat but the builders were supposed to be working at Channel 9. Eunice announces that she will be staying with Bridget and Annie until the work is finished. She is a very demanding guest but Bridget doesn’t want to lose her job so has to accept it. The director of the play calls Nick to say that one of the actresses is ill. Nick says he knows the perfect replacement and offers Hector a free ticket to Paris. They arrive in Paris and Nick announces to Hector that he is to play the part of the air stewardess. Back in London, Eunice has given Annie’s grandmother’s chest a new look, by painting it orange. On the return flight from Paris, the pilot and co-pilot become ill, so Nick flies the plane. Bridget receives a call to say the builders have finished in Eunice’s flat. The girls are delighted but when they return to their flat they find that Eunice has decided that she wants to stay. Nick and Hector arrive back. Eunice is impressed with Nick in his uniform, so the girls manage to get rid of Eunice after all as she takes Nick back to her flat.


Episode 25: Art

Bridget is at work re-running tapes of Marty Ross, a famous Channel 9 show host, when Marty himself walks in. He wants to know if Eunice has his tickets for an important art exhibition preview. He says that he will take anyone who gets him tickets out to dinner.  Hector walks into the girls’ flat to find Ziggy in a cardboard box. It’s part of a Farm Animal Protest and Annie asks the boys to help. Bridget gets some tickets for the exhibition preview and asks Marty to come to the flat for drinks first. Bridget then orders the others to redecorate the flat to fit into Marty’s arty style. She goes to bed while the others start work. The next morning the work is finished but Annie still has to prepare for the protest. Boggy and Moss, some eco-warriors from Manchester, are coming to the protest. Nick gets ready by making himself look more ‘interesting’. Hector is preparing the ‘nibbles’ when Boggy and Moss arrive. They are not impressed with the ‘arty’ flat, choosing to sit on the floor and refusing to speak. They completely ruin the flat, then leave for the protest. Bridget and Marty return. Bridget is horrified but Marty loves it. Annie and Ziggy bring a pig pen back to the flat. Hector and Nick sell a wall of the flat to Marty. Then the kidnapped pig arrives …


Episode 26: Alibi


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