Degenesis ARTIFACTS, RPG, Degenesis
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//-->REMEMBER FROM WHEREYOU HAVEFALLENAND REPENT[REVELATION]ARTIFACTSArtifacts is an unofficial fan-created supplement forDegenesis. It has a goal of providing more content forplayers and Game Masters without deviating too far from thelore and style of Primal Punk or the mechanics of KatharSys.In terms of raw content, Artifacts adds severaldozen new pieces of equipment and gear, both intended tosupplement existing pieces of equipment and fill in gaps thatKatharsys leaves. New rules for the Barrel Changemodification and rules for Muffled firearms increase therange of tactical options available to Game Masters andplayers. Some additional gear has been added for outsidecombat, such as flashlights.Artifacts includes expanded combat rules, includingmore options for unarmed combat, a revamped version ofthe Fatal weapon quality, alternate initiative systems, andpermanent injuries.Artifacts also includes expanded profiles of theEnemoi, with intentions of adding the Resistance andMatadores as similarly expanded Clans; these Clans receiveprofiles equivalent to those the Cults receive in Primal Punkand Katharsys. Artifacts also includes new Potentials, andrules for characters who wander without a Cult.Beyond this, Artifacts also includes custom rules foradvanced character creation, allowing players to makecharacters who fit into the group without relying on the XPprogression system (which can have some downsides).Finally, there is a large work-in-progress bestiaryand NPC folio, which aims to include several NPCs for eachCult and Clan detailed in Katharsys.This PDF was created on 07/07/16 at 15:07:21.ARTIFACTS1TABLE OF CONTENTSARTIFACTSNEW POTENTIALSNEW AMMUNITIONEXTENDED CHANGE BARREL RULESPAPER CARTRIDGESVARIABLE BLACK POWDER CALIBERSNEW MODIFICATIONSNEW FIRE AND LIGHT SOURCESNEW ORIENTEERING GEARNEW WEAPONSNEW ARMORGRENADES AND MINESARMOR FOR ANIMALSTHE ENEMOIPLAYING ENEMOIENEMOI RANKSENEMOI POTENTIALSENEMOI GEARSTEREOTYPESEXAMPLE CHARACTERSTHE MATADORESPLAYING MATADORESMATADORES RANKSMATADORES POTENTIALSMATADORES GEARALTERNATIVE CHARACTERSPALERS AS A CULTURECULTLESSPOTENTIALS BY XP THRESHOLDSFAVORED ATTRIBUTES IN PLAYUNTRAINED SKILLSVETERAN CHARACTER CREATIONDHARMASKILL SPECIALIZATIONSEXPANDED COMBATDEATH SAVESFATAL WEAPONS REDUXMULTI-PASS INITIATIVEPERMANENT INJURIESTABLESTHREATSBEASTSCLANS1456677889121314161819232425262828293132353535363636363739404040404143474752COCKROACHESPNEUMANCERSMECHANSPHOSPHORITESENEMOISTUKOV NOMADSEXALTERSSTORSKISCORPSE EATERRESISTANCEPANDORIANSGARGANTIUSUDIVOIVODULESMATADORESCORREDORESFLAYERSADRIANIROMANOSMASAISHABATHCULTSSPITALIANSCHRONICLERSHELLVETICSJUDGESCLANNERSSCRAPPERSNEOLIBYANSSCOURGERSANUBIANSJEHAMMEDANSAPOCALYPTICSANABAPTISTSPALERSCHANGES TO KATHARSYSAUTHOR'S NOTESENEMOIWEAPONS DESIGNPOTENTIALSDHARMAEXPANDING CLANSEXPANDED COMBATFUTURE PLANSLEGAL AND FONTSARTIFACTS5254555657596061626364656667686970717273747575777981838485868788899091939494949496969797982ARTIFACTS3NEW POTENTIALSBLOODHOUNDSome people are indomitable in their pursuit of truth andsecrets. Their quarry never escape their keen senses andcannot rest until they surrender or fight to the death.The character may spend a number of points of Egoup to their Potential's rating to gain that many successes onany INS+Perception, INS+Empathy, and INS+Survival teststhey make while searching for a specific target. They mayonly choose to follow one target a week, unless they find,capture, kill that target; at that point they may chooseanother target.HEALER'S OATHFirst, do no harm. This has been passed down throughgenerations; it is at the core of the Spitalian philosophy,even if it goes unheeded, but even outside the Spitalian orderhealers and doctors across the world remember the basictenets of medical tradition.The character may spend an amount of Ego up totheir Potential level to gain that many Triggers on any FirstAid or Surgery rolls they attempt.SERENITYMental exercises, daily hygiene, prayers, meditation. All canhelp keep a man sane on the edge of the abyss. When thegoing gets rough and there is no respite, some people canreturn to their own inner strength and draw away from theworld. The troubles around them fade away, and they arerenewed.The character may regain an additional Ego pointwhen they rest, once every 4-Potential level days.COMBAT MEDICIn the best of situations, doctors have enough time to ensurethat their patients have the best care they can receive. In thefield, surgeons rarely have the luxury of taking as much timeas they should.For each level of this Potential, the time required toperform Surgery is decreased by 2 hours (to a minimum of 6hours).KILL SHOTPatience and perseverance goes a long way on the battlefield,especially if contact has not yet been made with the enemy.When a sniper has the opportunity to watch their target, or agunslinger can put the sights right on target, they havedevastating effects.The character may take an action aiming an attackbefore they actually fire, making an AGI+Projectiles roll togauge their shot. If they fire with their next action, they canapply one Success or Trigger from the previous roll to theiractual attack per level of this Potential.CONFESSORPREREQUISITE:FaithIt is possible to have a soothing touch that can wipe away thecares and pains of the world. People with this touch are ofgreat comfort to the dead and dying, allowing them tobecome close with them at the penultimate phase of theirlife.A character with the Confessor Potential may makea PSY+Faith roll with a number of bonus dice equal to thePotential level against a dying target's PSY+Faith/Willpower.If the target knows secrets that the Confessor does not, theConfessor gains +1 Secrets.KILLING BLOWArmor provides no protection against the finesse of a skilledattacker using the right weapon. Thin blades find cracks inarmor. A club hounds a joint in a suit of plate and crashesstraight through. The stab plate can't protect against a chopto the side of the abdomen.When the character attempts to make a BOD+Meleeor BOD+Brawl attack against a character with armor, theytreat the target's Armor as being one point lower perPotential level.FURYPREREQUISITE:PrimalSome people have no ability to control themselves. Whenthey get in a fight, they don't leave until someone isn'twalking away in one piece.Once per combat, the character may spend anumber of Ego points equal to their Potential Level to causethat much Trauma in addition to the normal damage fromtheir next hit. If they are hit before the end of the roundfollowing an attack with Fury, they take one point of Traumathemselves.ARTIFACTS4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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