Dear Ela

Dear Ela, Językowe
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Dear Ela!


I'm on a 3 months exchange at the moment in London and I'd just like to tell everyone that it's the most amazing experience I've ever had! Even though it's really scary going into it because nothing can ever prepare you for what you're going into but you make so many great friends both at your school and the people you travel with.


In just 1 month my language has improved immensely.


London is a combination of the past with the present. In fact, that's what I’ll think of London when I got back home. I saw the Big Ben, the Houses of parliament, 10 Downing Street, the Tower Bridge, the Great Fire, Barbican Arts Center, parks, Nelson's statue in Trafalgar square, the wax museum, Buckingham palace, the black cabs and, last but not the least, the rain.

My host family and just in general the people I’ve met are very inviting and warming.

Luckily the whole family make me feel included when I don't understand what has been said in English. My host parents are doctors and so they have a very busy schedule however that does not affect our time together what so ever - they love the mountains so most weekends we go there. My host sister Ana is incredible and was so very helpful when I first arrived. I feel as if I belong in the family, not just a outsider. Ana is one year older than me. She is tall, blonde and she has beautiful blue eyes.

My room (which is painted blue) is big, warm and elegant. There is a large window. During the day, the window is enough to enlighten the whole room. Apart from light I like a lot the modern furniture. I also like my enormous bed and colorful carpet on the floor. In my room there is big wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a very comfortable armchair.


I’ll show You all the pictures I made.

Take care!

See You soon!



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