David Deida - Dear Lover

David Deida - Dear Lover, David Deida
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1. You Are Love
2. Chocolate Love
3. Yearning Is the Key to Love
4. The Gift of Making Love
5. Spiritual Sexiness
6. Orgasmic Love
7. Love and Fear
8. Your Sexual Essence
9. Your True Heart and Its Shells
10. Offering or Betraying Your Heart
11. The Two-Bodied Play of Love
12. Loving Larger than Fear
13. Trusting Your Man to Open You
14. You Attract Your Reciprocal
15. Why Men Hold Back
16. Your Force of Attraction
17. Your Man Is Your Choice
18. Expressing Pleasure and Hurt
19. Masculine Insensitivity
20. How to Stay Open
21. Opening Beyond an Impasse
22. Ending Relationships and the Him-Shaped Void
23. Three Stages of Loving
24. Love Is a Living Art
25. Showing Your Heart's Light in Public
26. Choosing Abuse and Refusing Love
27. Wanting to Be Opened
28. A Summary of Trusting and Opening
29. Goodbye
You Are Love
Dear lover, when I look into your eyes, I feel your heart's yearning. Nothing is more
beautiful to me than your love. I want to drink your love and dive into your heart and
take you open to God. But I need to feel you wanting me to enter you. I want to feel
you let down your guard in trust, just a little bit, so I can feel your heart's
invitation. Please, open so I may claim your heart.
When you feel deep into your heart, you feel love. Most deeply, you are love.
This love shines as light, and so you want to be truly seen.
This light flows as energy, and so you want to offer yourself completely.
Your heart wants to give and receive love fully. This is your heart's deepest desire.
Love is openness. This same openness yearns at everybody's heart. You are this love. You
are alive as love, and your entire body yearns to live open as love. Your heart wants nothing
more than to live open as love, to give yourself totally as love--and to be seen as the love
that you are. You long to be claimed, taken open, surrendered blissfully, so that every
moment of your life is ablaze as the light of love's passion, an offering of your heart's
devotion, and adoration of love's radiant blessing.
In an effort to create safety and self-reliance in your life and relationships, you may have
built walls around your heart and accumulated tension in your body. Although sometimes
these walls of protection are useful, they can, over time, act like shells of fear that block
your true love. These shells can keep in the love you want to offer fully and keep out the
love that your heart yearns to receive deeply.
The secret to unfolding your heart's deepest bliss is to give and receive love fully, with or
without a man. Instead of depending on a man, and instead of protecting your heart behind
walls of accumulated disappointment, you can learn to open your body as if it were a big
heart, vulnerable and full of love's radiant life-force. And it is this disposition of
openhearted radiance that will gift the world as well as attract and keep a man capable of
actually meeting your heart's deepest desire.
Right now, is your breath textured as love--are you inhaling and exhaling with the same open
pleasure you would if your lover's body were pressing against yours in delicate merger--or is
your breath tense with fearful thoughts of self-survival as well as an emotional sense of
separation, desperation, or loneliness?
Whether you are alone or in relationship, your spiritual and sexual bliss require a daily
allotment of whole-body pleasure and deep heart offering, or else your joy will shrivel like
an unwatered plant.
Chocolate Love
I love to watch you move. Your body is so open, I want to embrace you and hold your
heart against mine. When I see you eat chocolate or your favorite foods, I am
amazed at how your body responds by opening and softening in pleasure as if love
were moving through you. You often quiver and make sounds of such delight. I
wonder why you would choose to live any other way but this open to love. I know you
can't always be eating delicious delicacies, but I wonder how you would live if you
were breathing and feeling divine ambrosia moving through your body right now.
You can surrender open and allow the full love-energy of your heart to flow through your
body all day. You can learn to open so your heart's love can flow fully through your entire
body. Then, your true heart's light can shine through your eyes and smile. Love's energy can
flow through the way you move. Love's openness can breathe you. Others can see who you
truly are. They can feel your deepest gifts. You are love, flowing with love, bright as love.
By learning to open to love's fullest pleasure, your heart can express your deepest gifts
through your body all day, and you will naturally attract and keep a lover whose deep heart
is capable of meeting yours.
Imagine that you sit down with a bowl of your favorite treat--double chocolate ice cream
with pecans. The first spoonful enters your mouth. Chocolate permeates your tongue like a
delicious wave of fullness. Your eyes close and you smile. Mmmm! Love's blissful openness
spreads through your whole body. You breathe fully, inhaling the chocolate aroma, the soft
ice cream melting in your mouth. Even your toes and fingers may begin moving with pleasure
as you swallow chocolate fullness.
If you wanted to allow pleasurable energy to move through your body even more, if you
wanted to open every part of your body to overflow with love's fullness, then you could put
down the bowl and stand up. You could give yourself over to chocolate madness, allowing your
body to open and dance in chocolaty pleasure, writhing and swaying, moaning in yummy
You can allow energy to move through your entire body like electricity, opening you to a
deeper flow of pleasure. You may even choose to allow sexual energy to move through you,
touching your legs with your hands, writhing your hips in a voluptuous dance. You've gone way
beyond the pleasure of chocolate now, feeling the flow of deeper passion and yearning in
your body and heart.
Perhaps you lie on the couch and touch yourself between your thighs, wet with desire, full of
wildness. Your tongue licks your lips wanting more, wanting more fullness to take in, more
fullness to receive through your mouth, your belly, between your legs. Your legs open and
close like butterfly wings as you touch yourself, surrendering open in the flow of energy and
And then you may feel your heart, aching to be seen, wanting to be entered by love. More
deeply than pleasure and energy, you want love. And not just your mother's love. Most likely,
you want to feel a passionate man of true heart-integrity loving you deeply. You want him to
see who you really are and desire you, feeling into your deepest heart. You want his tender
force of love-desire to enter you deeply, opening your heart's secret core and unfolding
your divine essence of love.
Although you may be reluctant to trust your own love's yearning, your deepest heart waits
to be loved so fully that you are opened more than you are willing to open by yourself,
blissfully forced open by love's deepest claim, revealed open and held in love's gentle
At times, you yearn for him. Not necessarily a specific man, but a force of masculine love,
seeing who you really are, entering you, gently forcing you open with pleasure, massive love,
insisting, persisting, unyielding in desire for you, loving deeper into you and opening you, not
stopping. You are filled by his love, taken open by his claim. Breathing more and more deeply,
your body undulates, pressed open by his weight, filled by love's enormity.
Your edges melt. Your boundaries dissolve. Your body opens outward, love radiating from
your heart as an unkept offering. You cry as your resistance is melted in love's fullness,
pleasure forcing your body more open. Your face moist, your thighs wet, your belly heaving,
you surrender open, as wide as all. No boundaries. All love, all openness, all fullness.
After opening so fully, you feel permeated by love's ever-present touch for the rest of the
day. As you walk through your home or carry on with your work, your hips move as a flower
opens. Your belly is full of sky and stars. Your heart is offered ocean-deep. Washing the
dishes or phoning your friends, love spills from your every gesture, blessing all with the
abundant radiance of your heart.
Chocolate or a good man can instigate your heart's surrender, but full-bodied pleasure and
overflowing love--opening until you are exposed fully to God as love's bliss-- is the only way
to live true to your deepest desire, with or without a trustable lover or a tasty dessert.
Yearning Is The Key To Love
Your yearning for love is so powerful that i can feel your heart all the time.when you openly
love me. I can feel your heart but I can also feel your heart’s yearning when you are angry
or sad.to me.Your heart is always calling,even though sometimes I am unable to open with
you because your emotions divert me I may be afraid and distracted and you may be
upset ,but still I feel your heart’s yearning..All I need to feel your heart Your yearning
draws me back into love’s depth.Your yearning is my invitation into your heart.
Feel deep into your heart.Feel your tremendous yearning.although you sometimes reduce
this deep yearning to shallow neediness –the need to be loved by a man or by yourself –
actually this deep yearning is the openness of love.This yearning is the hole through which
the divine love that lives open as the universe can be felt to emerge.Your boundless depth
of love comes to light through this hole of yearning when you trust open as love’s ache.
Deep heart yearning is not a problem to be solved ,but a divine pull to open as devotional
surrender ,as wide as all,now. With or without a man,whether or not you feel worthy ,you can
offer your heart’s openness through your yearning ,right now as you are.
This capacity to offer your open love is indestructible..No amount of rejection or betrayal
can destroy this offering of love.You may still at times feel hurt ,tortured and mangled in
the fearful denial of love that your man,friends and family may inflict on you but their
denial need not instigate your’s..In the face of rejection and unlove ,you can continue to
open as the full strength of your heart’s yearning and devotional surrender ,opening inspite
of the hurt that your unprotected heart feels ,opening in the midst of emotional upheavel .
Devotional love is unstoppable if you will only offer yourself wide open in the midst of
suffering.If you are in a relationship ,and your man is being a jerk, you may offer love’s
yearning as a strong demand : ‘I love you, and I won’t tolerate less than your fullest
conciousness .’you may yell at him ,and your rage may shake the house but your heart need
not close in the midst of love’s fury..
When you love somebody fully ,your heart’s wrath be naturally be evoked in response to
their repeated refusal to offer their deepest gifts.Anger may be your deepest expression
of love in a moment of being frustrated by your lover’s chosen limits and numb denial.
In any case whether you are angry or hurt ,--beneath and through all emotions –your love
yearns.This indestructible love is the same love ,or openness, that yearns at the heart of all
beings. Even when you are tense and upset ,you can practice surrendering your body and
heart to be breathed open by this love that yearns in everybody’s heart.
The Gift of Making Love
I open my body to love's flow the most when I open with you sexually. Usually my
body is something I use--to work, to play, to get things done. But when I feel your
body opening to mine, my body remembers love. Your sexual surrender awakens me
to a depth of love I rarely feel in my body during any other time of the day. And
through entering your heart and body with mine in love's deepest bliss, I open
together with you to God. Your pleasure of surrender blesses my life and opens me
in ways that feel new and deeper every time we make love.
Your yearning attracts and inspires love. If you allow your deepest yearning to show through
your entire body, you will attract and inspire a deep man. How would a deep man love you?
A deep man is acutely aware of death: his, yours, and everyone's. Because he is always
practicing to let go of everything, his consciousness is free, and he can be totally present
with you. He can truly see you, he can feel your deepest heart, and he can enter you
completely. As if this were his last moment on earth with you, he is unafraid to lose
everything in his full offering of love.
Imagine that such a man were making love with you. He can feel his deepest purpose. Right
now, he wants to open with you in utter heart surrender. From his deepest heart, he wants
to enter you and take you open in love beyond all bounds. He gazes into your eyes and
breathes with you, entering your heart fully, inhabiting your deepest heart's yearning.
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