
DeusNewUser, XP Deus
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//-->Xp DeusGetting StartedBy Hampshire Hound(Richard Guy-Gibbens)With many people now proud Deus owners I see more and more posts cropping up on the forums askingabout what settings to use and how to go about detecting on different types of land with this versatile detec-tor.So just how do you decide the right settings when you are new to this machine?In this article my aim is to share my experiences as a beginner with the Deus and show how it’s easier thanyou first think to get great results when out in the field. I don’t claim to be an expert, quite the opposite! I amjust a detectorist that loves to try and help people out Who has had great results with the Dues.Let’s begin the detector itself; I won’t bore you with all the technical stuff as there is plenty in the Manualwhich incidentally should be the first thing you study, I say study rather than read because the more you takein about the different features and advice given by XP then the less time you will spend playing with the set-tings out in the field where it matters.The fundamental parts of the detector are the coil, backphones, control box and stem.Currently there are two coils available. The smaller stock coil and a larger 11”x13” coil, both have their usesfor different types of land. The small I use for plough soil and amongst the junk or iron and the large I use onpasture or clean more compacted ground to give more coverage and a little more punch. I have found no sig-nificant difference in depth on coin size objects between the two coils and depth is something that you shouldnot be preoccupied with. Sure everyone would like a detector that can pick a coin up from huge depths, butin reality most of the finds tend to come from sites where there has been occupation and occupation meanslots of other junk of varying metallic conductivity therefor depth is not that important, but rather your abilityto hunt out those target amongst the iron and this is where the Deus excels.The wireless back phones are used not only to give you sound but to also control the Deus. You can makeall major changes to the settings without the need for the control box, but for now we will just use them asHeadphone with a volume control.Deus Article By Hampshire houndThe control box itself which is used to change pro-grams and settings and also as a visual aid for targetidentification or pinpointing as well as ground bal-ance and materialization readings , I try not to usethe conductivity readings when learning, as the audioI feel gives the most important information. Last butnot least is the adjustable stem to which the coil at-taches with the option to clip the control box on to themount; this should be adjusted so you feel comfortablewhen swinging the detector.Another handy bit of kit is a waterproof case for thecontrol box that goes on your arm or around yourneck, designed for the ipod touch. This keeps all themud and water away from the electronics.Those of you used to other detectors in the xp rangesuch as the Goldmaxx power will master the Deuswithout too much trouble, however people who arenot used to the “language” of the GMP will find it alla bit confusing to start with, imagine if you will beingdumped in to a foreign county and not being able tospeak or understand a word anyone is saying! I men-tioned the manual earlier; I want you to think of theManual as your pocket phrase book, it will give youimportant valuable information as you start to useyour new Deus, you will soon start to pick up parts ofits language and begin to understand what it is tellingyou. There is also allot to gain from reading variousreviews and talking to people about their experiencewith the Deus the more you “study” the more you willlearn.So you have now began to learn from your Manual,now it is time to get a collection of every available tar-get you are likely to come across in a detecting session,so you will want air rifle pellets, rusty nails, shotguncartridge caps, horse shoes, iron nuts, modern coin-age, older coinage, bottle caps, ring pulls, foil, coke,hot rocks, lead and any metallic object you can thinkof.Set the detector up as described in your manual, makesure you are sat somewhere away from metal andelectrical interference, outside on say a wooden picnicbench would be an ideal place to start.Time to try some targets.Stick with the stock coil to start with; turn the Deuson by pressing the top left hand button and wait a fewseconds then put the detector in Basic 1 the first fac-tory programe, do not touch anything else.Put the back phones on and lay the detector on thetable with the coil steady and not moving, now it’stime to take mental notes! You can do this time andtime again, take one of your targets and pass it overthe coil, do not worry about numbers, just forget thedisplay for now. I just want you to learn the sounds,one by one pass all the objects you have over the coil,with each object try it close up, far away and in-be-tween the two. Once you have tried all the objects andare familiar with the sounds they make try puttingthe objects on the ground “make sure the groundis clean of any other metallic objects” and swingover your different targets again just listening to thesounds now put one of the iron objects 6 inches awayfrom a coin and swing over both with one sweep, varythe distance and listen to the tones as you move overeach of them. You can do this regularly even whenyou are an experienced user you may come across astrange sounding target in the field. Dig it up and takeit home, pass it over the coil and learn the tone.Deus Article By Hampshire houndOK Now you are familiar with the tones I am going to throw a spanner in the works...I want you to do it allagain, but this time in the Deus fast programe!Now you will get a different variation on all the tones you have just learned, the Deus fast programme runs at18 kHz and as a result will give you slightly different information on a given target for both sound of the toneand number reading on the display. I know you may have many targets to try and probably think that this isa waste of time, but you really will benefit from doing this and it will help immensely when you finally get toyour field.Rather than remember every tone for every object start to think of the them as groups of targets, ferrous-(metals that contain iron), nonferrous, highly conductive targets such as copper, lead, brass, bronze. Mediumconductive targets such as hammered coins, shot gun caps and low conductive targets such as some foils andjunk targets.Basic 1 and Deus fast for the time being are the two programs I would like you to stick with depending onyour conditions. If you get on the field and you hear lots of the iron low tones all over the place or it soundsvery “busy” i.e. Beep beep grunt beep on every swing then use the Deus fast programme, for everything ellsuse basic 1 to start with. (This does not apply to beach detecting that I have not covered in this article).Time to hit the field!Before you shoot off swinging all over the place, you need to set the Deus up! It is a switch on and go detec-tor but there are a few basic things to check, assuming you are all charged up, find a spot free from overheadpower cables and electric fences turn the Deus on to basic 1, now without touching any of the settings apartfrom volume on the headphones, pump the coil up and down (as described in your manual under pumpingground balance) but without actually going into any of the menus, just do the pumping bit for ten seconds.Watch the number in the top right hand corner of the screen it should on most ground stay roughly the sameas the number below it (90). If it changes by less than few numbers either way then you are good to go.Deus Article By Hampshire houndAs you detect keep an eye on this number and alsoon the bar running vertically on the far right of yourscreen, this tells you how mineralised the soil is, if thebar is empty then there is little mineralization howeverif the bar starts to fill then this indicates mineralisedground.If the bar starts to fill up or the top number changes bymore than 7 then you will need to go to the GB buttonon the right and select ground balance (pumping) thenclick yes and start pumping the coil as before.It will give you a number say 74 for example, rememberthis number. IMPORTANT now go to ground balance(manual) and use the +or- button to change the num-ber so it is 4 numbers HIGHER than the number youhave just remembered from your pumping.This actually takes less than two minutes once you havedone it a few times; this step is done to help reduce thenoise in the field when you are starting out and are newto the Deus as the it tends to run a little hot in pump-Also you will notice that Basic 1 is 11Khz and Duesing is 18Khz,the latter being more sensitive to tinyThose of you used to other brands of detector mayhave got used to a very slow sweep speed; the Dues will targets and thin metal so sometimes it is an advan-actually give you a better signal on faint targets with a tage to search a patch with the basic 1, then switch tosteadier sweep speed, I am not talking about whipping Deus fast to seek out the smaller targets. I have usedthe coil from left to right but a nice steady swing keep- this to great effect on some of my small pasture land.When you are fully used to those programs experi-ing the coil level and close to the ground to start offwith, it is capable of surprisingly fast speeds with cer- ment with others with the same process you havetain settings but you can explore that in a few months’ used to learn the first two.Above all try to understand in your head what eachtime when you are a proficient user.program is doing to the detector, in the manual is aSo to recap, basic 1 to start with, check ground balance handy chart showing all the setting of all the pro-and adjust if necessary, a nice steady swing and listen grams together so you can see what influence yourto the tones. I am sure most of you have detected for changes are having on different settings. Don’t betempted to change any of the programs settings formany years so you all will have your own strategiesthe first 6 months, stick to the presets they are morefor searching the fields, so go and give it a try, dig allthan capable of getting the goods!targets to start with to confirm what you are hearingthrough your headphone is correct and ties up with theThe items shown on the previ-testing you have been doing, again if there is somethingous page (left hand pictue) werestrange then take it home and learn it. This may soundstrange to some but the one big advantage the Deus isall found with the basic 1 factorythat in Deus fast mode (preset 3) it is capable of pick-preset program. This just gives youing targets out between the worst iron and junk withsurgical precision so, I actually love to seek out theconfidense that the 11 Khz settingworst patches of iron and hunt out the targets hidingcan still find the small targets too.there that many other detectors will have missed!Deus Article By Hampshire houndSussing out targets in the fieldCoke: may be a problem to some but the sound coke in the factory presets makes an unmistakable soundlike a mobile phone when it is causing interference to a pair of speakers, or a warble noise at the beginningand end of the signal. Problems can arise however if the ground balance we talked about earlier is runningtoo” hot” i.e. The number in the bottom right is lower than the number in the top right of the screen overmineralised ground, this can also happen if you play about with the setting too much and make the detectorunstable, larger coke can be sussed by changing to Dry beach mode(strange but it works!) The numbers arealso mostly below 35, this is one of the situations the target indicator numbers can help, but unless you arehaving problems ignore it!Iron: this in most programs will give a low or loud chirping sound like a budgie, in some cases however itmay give a good dig me signal. All machines will be fooled by odd shaped iron, huge lumps and iron wash-ers, large bolts may in some cases give you a good signal depending on its orientation , the thing to do hereis always check every signal at 90 degrees to the original swing, this will normally give it away if its iron.Another trick is to move the coil back behind the target and use the very front edge to approach the signalwhile swinging and listen for the iron tone, do this at 90 degrees too and you can nearly always suss out iron,the G-maxx program (preset 5) is particularly good for this task so if you are struggling just flick to preset 5check the target then switch back.Shot gun caps: these can be tricky but you can identify them by sound, each programme will have slightly dif-ferent tones depending on frequency and settings as you will remember from your testing at home, you willundoubtedly dig the first few but if your site is littered with them you will get used to the tone, as a famousNorfolk chap one said “Listen to the begging and the end of the signal” at first they will sound the same but ifyou listen carefully and are brave you will be able to decide not to dig that target, although I always take themout so they don’t bother me next time or pop them in a scrap bag!.Large coke = dry beach modeLarge iron try G-maxx mode [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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