Developing Listening Skills 2 2nd ...

Developing Listening Skills 2 2nd Transcripts, Listening
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UNIT 1. Entertainment
Speaking Practice
A. Pronunciation Practice
A. Look & Listen
1. M: Wow! This place has everything. What do
you want to do rst?
W: The first thing we should do is buy some
M: Right. ere is the token machine over there.
W: We can get thirty tokens for ve dollars. Let’s
each get ve dollars worth of tokens.
1. Circus clowns ha a wear a lot of makeup.
2. Everyone hasta sit in the seat shown on his or her
ticket stub.
3. I’ve gotta watch the soccer game on TV this
B. Conversation Pictures
1. M: Would you like to go see a concert next Saturday
W: What kind of concert?
M: I have floor seats to see MC Rap Master at
Turner Stadium.
W: Wow! I’d love to go.
2. W: Do you want to play
Arena Fighters
with me?
M: I’ve never played it before.
W: It’s really fun. Watch me play one game and
then we can play together.
M: This game looks too complicated. I don’t
think I want to play it. I’ll just watch you.
2. M: I have two free tickets to e Comedy Club.
Do you want to go with me?
W: OK. Are the seats in a good spot?
M: Seating at the club is always general
admission. You can sit anywhere.
W: en let’s go early so we can get good seats.
3. M: Guess what? I got the high score on
W: Really? What level did you get to?
M: I got up to Level Eight.
W: I’ve never been able to get past Level Two.
3. M: Are you interested in hearing the symphony
orchestra in concert?
W: Yes, of course I am. Do you think tickets are
still available?
M: I made reservations a long time ago. I reserved
two balcony seats.
W: Who were you planning to invite if I didn’t go?
4. W: I’ve only got two tokens le .
M: Me, too. Hey, let’s play pinball.
W: We can’t. e pinball machine is broken.
M: en let’s use our tokens to take a photo together
in the photo booth.
B. Listen Again
4. W: I can’t believe you got front row seats to see
Diana Star! How did you do it?
M: I waited in the line all night so I could be at
the front of the line the day they went on sale.
W: Oh my gosh! I love Diana!
M: So does that mean you want to go with me?
Listening Practice
A. How would you answer?
1. How about renting a video tonight?
2. Is there anything good on TV?
3. What would you like to do?
4. How much do tickets cost?
5. When does the next show start?
Short Dialogs
A. Dialog 1
W: I want to ride that roller coaster!
M: e one with the double loops?
W: Yeah! Doesn’t it look fun?
M: Uh, sure. I guess. Uh, oh, look at the line.
W: It isn’t that long. I bet we’ll only have to wait
een or twenty minutes. Are you too scared to
ride this roller coaster with me?
M: I’m not scared!
1. What does the woman think of the roller coaster?
2. What excuse does the man give for not wanting
to ride it?
B. How would you ask?
1. No, I don’t.
2. Of course. is game is easy.
3. No. e show is sold out.
4. e last show is Sunday, March 14.
5. Yeah. I had a great time.
C. Picture Description
ere are only a few people on the stage.
Most of the seats are empty.
Two people are watching the show.
e performers are standing close together.
Unit 1
B. Dialog 2
M: Do you want to keep dancing?
W: No, let’s take a break.
M: I’ll go get us something to drink. What would
you like?
W: I’ll just have some water, thanks.
M: Don’t you usually drink milk?
W: Sometimes. But I don’t feel like having any
1. Where are they?
2. What does the woman want to drink?
course, Bonds must also save a beautiful nuclear
scientist, who is the prisoner of Dr. Juno. The
boring story and mediocre special e ects make
this a bad movie. See
Dangerous Passions
at your
own risk.
1. What is
Dangerous Passions
2. What does this person NOT like about
B. Short Talk 2
W: Summer is almost over and Happyland is o ering
a special chance for you to enjoy all of Happyland’s
rides, games, and shows for only $10 per person.
Bring the whole family to Happyland for a full day
of fun. Of course, children under five get in for
half price. Don’t miss out on this end-of-summer
special from your friends at Happyland!
1. What is Happyland?
2. What is the age limit for a child’s half-price ticket?
C. Dialog 3
W: You can change the channel if you want to. I’m
not watching this show.
M: There’s really nothing good on TV right now.
How about watching a DVD?
W: Good idea. Here is one that we rented but
haven’t watched yet. I’ll put it in.
M: Oh, yeah! I forgot that we rented this one last
W: Do you want to watch the previews, or should I
skip to the main menu?
M: Let’s watch the previews. ey might give us an
idea of what to rent the next time we go to the
video store.
C. Short Talk 3
M: My friend invited me over to his house yesterday
to play a new video game he got. It was one of
the 3-D animated games where players have to
choose where to go and what to do. I don’t usually
like those kinds of games, but this one was pre y
interesting. It wasn’t a ghting game. It was more
like a mystery game. The funny thing is that for
my rst time playing, I got a high score!
Main Dialog
A. Listen
W: Did you watch the parade yesterday?
M: Well . . . no, I was pretty busy. Did you get a
chance to go?
W: Mm hmm . . . I went there with my cousin.
M: So, how was it? Did you both enjoy it?
W: We sure did. Actually, I go every year, but this
was my cousin’s rst time seeing it.
M: You’re kidding me! You go every year? Is it really
that interesting?
W: Oh, sure, it is for me. I really love listening to all
of the marching bands and seeing the oats. is
year, it was even more special. I got to see Harry
M: e actor? He was there?
W: Yeah, he was riding on one of the floats in the
Listening Quiz
A. Picture Matching
Listen to the dialogs. Choose the correct picture.
1. M: Did you and Susan have a nice time on Saturday
W: Oh, yeah. We had a blast.
M: What did you two do?
W: We went to the bowling alley, ate some burgers,
and bowled a few games.
2. W: Did you and Susan have a nice time on Saturday
M: Yeah. We had a pre y good time.
W: What did you two do?
M: We went to this fancy Italian restaurant and
had oven baked pizza.
B. Listen Again
B. Listen & Choose
Listen to the dialogs and questions. Choose the
best answer.
Question 3 refers to the following dialog.
M: Fire! Fire again!
W: Be quiet! I can’t concentrate.
M: Watch out for those bombs! Oh, man. Game over.
Short Talks
A. Short Talk 1
Dangerous Passions
is the latest thriller by actor
Roger Morrison. In this movie, Jimmy Bonds,
international spy for the Canadian government,
must save the world from Dr. Juno. And of
Unit 1
W: I could have done be er if you had not been yelling
in my ear the whole time.
3. What are they doing?
A relatively small percent of people said they
a ended a play, a musical, or the opera in the past year.
However, it is interesting to note that the people who
did go to these types of performances usually had
higher education and higher income than other people
taking the survey. In addition, more women went to
these types of performances than men.
Almost 75 percent of the people taking the survey
said they would like to see more concerts and theater
events. However, they said two factors were a problem:
time and money. People did not have time to go to
a live performance, or the performances were not
held at convenient times. Also, ticket prices for live
performances were much higher than prices for other
kinds of entertainment, like movies or leisure sports.
Question 4
refers to the following dialog.
W: Do we have time to go out to the lobby for a drink?
M: I think so. The intermission is fifteen minutes
W: I hope the line at the concession stand isn’t too
4. How long is the intermission?
Question 5
refers to the following dialog.
W: at was a great show!
M: Which part did you like the best?
W: Hmm . . . I guess I liked the elephants the best.
But the clowns were good, too.
M: Yeah. e clowns were really funny.
5. What did they just see?
C. Dictation Practice
Listening Test
Questions 6 and 7
refer to the following dialog.
W: Do you like this painting?
M: Not really. I’m not a big fan of modern art.
W: Usually I don’t like abstract paintings, either, but
I really like this one.
M: Why? What do you like about it?
W: The colors are so bright and cheerful. It makes
me think of a beautiful day at the beach.
6. What kind of museum are they visiting?
7. What does the woman like about the painting?
PART I: Picture Description
Listen and choose the statement that best describes
what you see in the picture.
1. (A) e television is not working.
(B) e woman enjoys watching movies alone.
(C) is person is an actor in a comedy program.
(D) He is changing channels.
2. (A) She is playing a game on the computer.
(B) e girl’s parents are helping her.
(C) e girl has a video game controller.
(D) e children are waiting to play the game.
Questions 8 and 9
refer to the following dialog.
M: Ma’am?
W: Yes?
M: I think you’re in my seat.
W: I don’t think so. See? My ticket says I’m in row
14C, seat 25.
M: Actually, this is row 13C.
W: Oh! I’m sorry.
8. What are they discussing?
9. What will the woman do?
3. (A) e performers are wearing masks.
(B) e two people are using ags to play a game.
(C) e children’s costumes are very colorful.
(D) e performers are dressed in black.
4. (A) Many people are waiting in line for the ride.
(B) e roller coaster is on a big hill.
(C) e girls are screaming and laughing.
(D) is ride is for very young children.
5. (A) e family is watching television together.
(B) e girls are watching a movie alone.
(C) is video game is not for young kids.
(D) They are sorry they bought tickets to the
PART II: Questions and Responses
Listen and choose the best response to each question.
6. How many tokens do you have le ?
(A) It’s fun.
(B) No, thanks.
(C) ree.
B. Listening Comprehension
When was the last time you saw a concert, a play
in a theater, or some other kind of live performance? In
a survey of people 15 years old or older, most people
said they only saw one live performance per year. This
survey included some more interesting facts about the
habits of concert a endants. e most popular kind of
live performance to see was a concert. About 50 percent
of the people who took the survey said they saw at least
one concert in the past year. ese concerts included all
kinds of music, from pop and rock to classical music.
Unit 1
7. What would you like to do tonight?
(A) How about renting a video?
(B) Sorry, I’m busy.
(C) We can call him.
this wi y, fast-paced show. Hurry and reserve your
tickets today before the show sells out.
17. What kind of show is being described?
18. What is the speaker’s opinion of this show?
19. What does the speaker predict about this show?
8. Where are our seats?
(A) $5 each.
(B) In the second row.
(C) I lost them.
Questions 20 through 22
refer to the following talk.
M: ere have been plenty of discussions and studies
in the past that examine the relationship between
the length of time that children play video games
and how violent some of these children may
become. One of the professors at a local university
has recently published a book about children and
video games. e professor says children who play
a lot of video games are more violent than other
children. However, there are also many people who
disagree with the professor’s research.
20. What did the professor study?
21. Which statement would the professor agree with?
22. Who disagrees with the ndings of the research?
9. Are there any tickets le for Saturday night?
(A) at night is good for me.
(B) I’m afraid not.
(C) ey went out.
10. How long is the intermission?
(A) A year ago.
(B) All weekend.
(C) Ten minutes.
You will hear two dialogs, each followed by three
questions. Listen carefully, and choose the best
answer to each question.
Questions 11 through 13
refer to the following dialog.
M: Are you good at
Star Shooter
W: Not as good as you are. That game is too
complicated for me.
M: Then let’s play something else. Have you ever
Fish Finder
? It’s pre y fun.
11. Where are they?
12. Who has played Star Shooter before?
13. What will they probably do next?
UNIT 2. Shopping
A. Look & Listen
1. W: What should we buy Grandma for her
M: We could buy her some clothes. What’s her
favorite color?
W: Her favorite color is blue, but I don’t know
her size.
M: Neither do I. Maybe we should think of
something else.
Questions 14 through 16
refer to the following dialog.
M: Where are you going?
W: I’m going to get some popcorn at the concession
M: Can you get me something to drink?
W: Sure, but I’ll probably need some more money. I
only have two dollars.
14. Where is this conversation taking place?
15. What does he probably want the woman to buy?
16. What does the woman ask the man for?
2. M: Let’s buy Grandma some jewelry!
W: OK. We can get her some earrings or a necklace.
M: Whoa! Look at these prices!
W: On second thought, maybe jewelry isn’t such
a good idea.
3. W: Grandma likes to listen to music. How about
ge ing her a CD?
M: Sure. Her favorite singer is Neil Diamond.
W: Do you know which of his albums she doesn’t
M: Um, I’m not sure. She might already have all
of them.
PART IV: Short Talks
You will hear two talks, each followed by three
questions. Listen carefully, and choose the best
answer to each question.
Questions 17 through 19
refer to the following talk.
W: Are you trying to nd something really enjoyable to
do for this weekend? Well, if you are, why don’t you
come on out and see the best new live performance
of the year? The Trojan Theater’s new show
Heart of Mine
is hilarious. The five actors in the
show have all been performing in local theaters for
years. Together, they truly form the perfect cast for
4. M: I have another idea. We can get a book for her.
W: I don’t think Grandma likes to read. Her eyes
are not that good, you know.
M: You’re right. en what should we buy for her?
W: I know! Let’s get her a gi certi cate from her
favorite store.
B. Listen Again
Unit 2
PART III: Short Conversations
Listening Practice
A. How would you answer?
Short Dialogs
A. Dialog 1
1. May I help you?
2. What size are you looking for?
3. Where is the children’s department?
4. When does the store open?
5. Did you nd everything you were looking for?
M: May I help you?
W: Yes, I’m looking for a gi for a friend.
M: Did you have anything in particular in mind?
W: I know she likes tulips. Do you have any?
M: Yes, they’re right over here. e single tulips are $15,
or you can get three together in one pot for $25.
W: I’ll take the three together.
1. Who is the gi for?
2. What does the woman buy?
B. How would you ask?
1. We’re open until 11 p.m.
2. Yes, I’m afraid so.
3. It is twenty- ve dollars.
4. No, that’s the regular price.
5. ey’re all right over here.
W: What do you think of this sweater?
M: It looks a li le big on you.
W: I like them that way. Does this color look good
on me?
M: It suits you very well.
W: e one I’m wearing doesn’t have a price tag on
it. Can you look at another one and tell me how
much it is?
M: It looks like they’re on sale for $38.
1. What is his opinion of the sweater?
2. How much is the sweater?
C. Picture Description
A mother is holding her baby at a store.
ey are shopping in the bathroom department.
e mother has her purse hanging on her shoulder.
e mother is holding a towel.
Speaking Practice
A. Pronunciation Practice
1. Lemme call the manager for you.
2. e seller wouldn’t lemme have a deal.
3. Lemme see that watch.
C. Dialog 3
M: Look at this! I got this bag of oranges for only two
W: Wow! at’s a great deal.
M: Help yourself to some. I sure can’t eat them all
by myself.
W: Uh, oh. Did you see these oranges in the bo om
of the bag? ey’re all ro en.
M: What? Hey, you’re right! I got ripped o !
W: I think so. Only the oranges on top are any good.
B. Conversation Pictures
1. M: I bought us some cheesecake from the bakery.
W: Great! We can have it for dessert. How much
was it?
M: $2.50 per slice. So I bought four slices.
W: But there are only two of us.
2. W: What did you send your mother for her
M: A dozen roses.
W: at must have been expensive!
M: Not really. I got a deal at the orist. ey cost
$20, and I got free delivery.
Main Dialog
A. Listen
M: We should nish shopping soon. Why are we
stopping here?
W: Look at this. I’ve never used this kind of
shampoo, but it’s on sale. Should we try it?
M: Sure. at’s ne with me.
W: OK, so it looks like we’re pre y much done. Did
we get everything on our shopping list?
M: Let me check it one more time. You got ketchup,
didn’t you?
W: Yes, it’s right here.
M: It looks like we’ve got everything except eggs.
W: Oh, that reminds me. We need to buy sugar so I
can make cookies.
M: Do we really need to get it now? Why do you
want to make them when we can just buy them?
W: Homemade cookies taste be er, don’t you think?
3. M: Are those new shoes?
W: Yes, they are. I found them on sale last week
for 75 percent o !
M: So what was the nal cost for them?
W: $15! ey were a steal!
4. M: Look at this designer watch I bought from a
guy on the street!
W: Uh . . . How much did you pay for this watch?
M: $12.50. Why?
W: This is not a designer watch. It’s a fake. You
were ripped o .
Unit 2
B. Dialog 2
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