David Irving - The Virus House - ...

David Irving - The Virus House - Germany's Atomic Research, War
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//-->David Irving    -TheVirusHouseFFOCAL POINT  Copyright ©by David IrvingElectronic version copyright ©by Parforce UK Ltd.All rights reservedNo reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be madewithout written permission. Copies may be downloaded from our website forresearch purposes only. No part of this publication may be commerciallyreproduced, copied, or transmitted save with written permission inaccordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act(as amended). Anyperson who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may beliable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.  To Pilar   is the son of a Royal Navy commander. Imper-fectly educated at London’s Imperial College of Science & Tech-nology and at University College, he subsequently spent a yearin Germany working in a steel mill and perfecting hisfluencyinthe language. Inhe published The Destruction of Dresden.This became a best-seller in many countries. Among his thirtybooks (including three in German), the best-known includeHitler’s War; The Trail of the Fox: The Life of Field MarshalRommel; Accident, the Death of General Sikorski; The Rise andFall of the Luftwaffe; Göring: a Biography; and Nuremberg, theLast Battle. The second volume of Churchill's War appeared inand he is now completing the third. His works are availableas free downloads at www.fpp.co.uk/books.  ContentsAuthor’s Introduction ............................. Solstice.......................................................... A Letter to the War Office ........................ The Plutonium Alternative....................... An Error of Consequence ......................... Item Sixteen on a Long Agenda............... Freshman................................................... Vemork Attacked...................................... An Unexpected Result ............................. The Cynic in Command ......................... TheAlsosMission Strikes........................ To the Brink of Criticality....................... The German Achievement......................Notes and Sources ...................................Index........................................................ [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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