David Icke - Bush Bin Laden ...

David Icke - Bush Bin Laden Illuminati, ABSTRACTS
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//-->Hello all,I have been sitting in this chair virtually every day for six months putting together Alice in Wonderlandand the World Trade Center Disaster and it will be nice to smell the roses again. My thanks to Lauren forkeeping the website moving, active, and relevant during this period and I will be contributing again nowthat the new book is going into production.What we have seen since September 11th, and continue to see every day, is the incessant onslaught againstbasic rights of freedom and privacy. What does it say about those in power around the world, especially inBritain and the United States, that they would use the deaths of 3,000 people as an excuse to introduce theirlong-planned agenda for the Big Brother state?What we are seeing, however, is not "it," merely another massive step on the road to "it"; the global fascistconcentration camp. The Illuminati have planned many other "9/11s" -- "terrorist attacks", etc., in manyforms -- not least through the use of chemicals and disease to increase the pressure to create a globalversion of Nazi Germany. The agenda we saw there is already in place and waiting to be introduced oncethey have caused enough "problems" to justify that "solution".But against that, the horrific events of 9/11 and their equally horrific consequences for men, women, andchildren in Afghanistan, have also been a wake up call for millions around the world. And the reaction ofthe people, especially outside of the United States, to the "war on terrorism" has been nothing like what theIlluminati hoped it would be. If it had been they would already be bombing Iraq. Instead they havestruggled to take opinion with them and therefore they will be planning more "terrorist outrages" tofrighten and infuriate the people into supporting or accepting the genocidal agenda.Millions now understand what is going on thanks to the researchers who walked a lonely and frustratingpath of discovery and exposure when few wanted to listen. What those gathering millions need to do issummon the courage and commitment to focus their lives on expanding the understanding among everyonewho is open to seeing through the lies and the smokescreens. That doesn't mean telling people what theyshould think, merely giving them the opportunity, if they wish, to hear information they will not getthrough mainstream sources.If a million people who know the score put this information in front of ten other people every week -hardly an enormous task - it means that ten million new people will hear another version of the world everyweek. And if those ten million do the same, the following week the one million will have become 100million. If they all do the same, the next week the one million will be a thousand million. All this achievedby everyone who knows the story telling it to ten new people.So the answer to the question: "What can I do, little me?", answers itself.We have the power to change what is happening, but we won't do it by talking only to those who alreadyknow the basic agenda. We will do it by constantly expanding the numbers who have access to thisinformation and we have the power to do that. It's just a choice.David Icke--------------The Daily Telegraph (Britain)Friday, January 11, 2002"THE COLOUR OF THE UNIVERSE IS PALE TURQUOISE"By David DerbyshireScience CorrespondentSPACE is not black, but an elegant shade of pale green, a team of astronomers announced last night. Afterstudying the light emitted by 200,000 galaxies, they concluded that the average colour of the universe isbetween turquoise and aquamarine.The discovery that the universe has a colour, and that it would not look amiss on a bathroom wall, willcome as no surprise to New Age followers such as David Icke, who wore turquoise because he consideredit was the most natural colour.Karl Glazebrook, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, announced the colour to startled colleagues atthe American Astronomical Society in Washington yesterday. "It is quite close to the standard shade ofpale turquoise, although it's a few per cent greener," he said.For those wanting to replicate the colour of the universe at home, it lies somewhere between Mexican mint,jade cluster and shangri-la silk in the Delux range. In the Crown Paint green collection, it appears to be across between soft khaki and cool aqua.Although the finding could have implications for interior designers and artists, the discovery was part of aserious attempt to test theories about how stars and galaxies form.The team used data from more than 200,000 galaxies collected by the Australian Galaxy Redshift Survey.Using the visible portion of the spectrum, Dr. Glazebrook and his colleague Ivan Baldry produced a chartthey called the "cosmic spectrum".This allowed them to work out the total amount of light emitted by the universe for any given wavelength,or colour. The information was used to check four different models of star formation. But it also allowedthem to work out the "average" colour of everything as seen by the human eye."We believe that the survey is large enough, reaching out several billion light years, to make this a trulyrepresentative sample," said Dr. Baldry, who described the research as "a bit of fun".They believe that the universe probably started with a "blue period", when young blue stars dominated. It isnow in a "green period" and will eventually enter a "red period" when the older, redder stars will dominate.------------GET OUT OF THIS ONE THENGEORGIE BOYPRESIDENT BUSH EXPOSED FORPROVABLE AND BLATANT LIESOVER SEPTEMBER 11THBy David IckeEarlier this month, on December 4th, I was sitting in a hotel bar in Bermuda watching CNN as I killed timewaiting for a flight after my talk there. CNN were broadcasting live coverage of a "town meeting" at theOrange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, where President Bush was answering non-challenging questions from a sycophantic audience. Then suddenly, as I sipped my beer and despaired atthe hero worship being enjoyed by the village idiot, Bush made a startling statement about September 11thand I said to my wife - "you won't believe what this guy has just said, I bet the spin doctors are screamingat the screen."For the next two days I scanned the newspapers, the Internet "news" sites, etc., including CNN, but therewas no mention of the amazing statement he made. Nor had I found any mention of it since. That did notsurprise me at all, but now, thanks to Didier, a reader of the David Icke website in Belgium, I have thewords that Bush said - ironically posted by the White House website, hidden away in the full transcript ofthe meeting:www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/12/20011204-17.htmlBush was talking about what happened on September 11th and how he heard of the atrocities in New York.If you remember, Bush was at a school in Florida where he was taking part in a photo opportunity, whichincluded reading a story about a pet goat to a class of children. The media around the world told us, fromWhite House statements, that Bush heard of the twin tower attacks when his chief of staff, Andrew Card,spoke in his ear in the classroom as he addressed the children. There was the famous picture of Cardleaning over Bush accompanied by headlines like: The Moment Bush Knew.But Bush told the Florida town meeting a very different story. This is what he said about what happenedthat morning in answer to a question by someone named Jordan:"Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I wasin Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a readingprogram that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower-- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, itmust have been a horrible accident. But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it.And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked inand said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."THIS IS STAGGERING - THERE WAS NO LIVE TELEVISION COVERAGE OF THE FIRST PLANEHITTING THE TOWER - HOW COULD THERE BE?? THE FOOTAGE OF THE FIRST CRASH WASTAKEN BY ONLOOKERS AND SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS AND DID NOT AIR FOR HOURSAND DAYS AFTER IT HAPPENED. THERE WAS LIVE COVERAGE OF THE SECOND CRASH, OFCOURSE, BUT NOT OF THE FIRST - SO HOW ON EARTH CAN THE PRESIDENT OF THEUNITED STATES CLAIM TO A PUBLIC MEETING TO HAVE SEEN IT LIVE ON A TELEVISIONOUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM WHERE HE WAS WAITING TO ADDRESS THOSE CHILDREN??AND WHY HAS NO NEWS ORGANISATION OR "JOURNALIST" PICKED UP THIS FANTASTICLIE?And what about that statement about "there's one terrible pilot". What?? A passenger jet crashes into one ofthe twin towers full of people and all the President of the United States can say is "there's one terriblepilot"!! And then he walks into a classroom to read a story about a pet goat?? God help us. "There's oneterrible pilot"? We are not talking a light plane flown by an amateur, but a commerical airliner and even ifit had not been a terrorist outrage, it would still have been an enormous tragedy requiring the leadership ofthe US president. But of course none of this tissue of lies by Bush could have happened because he couldnot possibly have seen the first crash on live television because there was no live coverage. The fact thatBush KNEW the plane was going to hit the tower is more like it because he, like his masters whoorchestrated it, was well aware of what was going to unfold that morning.AND EVEN AFTER HE CLAIMS THAT HIS CHIEF OF STAFF TOLD HIM OF THE SECONDPLANE, AND THAT "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK", BUSH WENT ON READING THE STORYABOUT THE PET GOAT!! YOU SIMPLY COULDN'T MAKE THIS UP, COULD YOU?As Associated Press reported on September 12th: "In Sarasota, Florida, Bush was reading to children in aclassroom at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered into his ear. The president brieflyturned somber before he resumed reading. He addressed the tragedy about a half-hour later. ""Briefly" remained somber?? He's just been told that the New York twin towers have been struck bycommercial airliners. Death and destruction on a massive scale was already obvious and the President was"briefly somber" before continuing to read a children's story? Bush told the town meeting:"But I knew I needed to act. I knew that if the nation's under attack, the role of the Commander-in-Chief isto respond forcefully to prevent other attacks from happening. And so, I've talked to the Secretary ofDefense; one of the first acts I did was to put our military on alert."BUT HE COULD NOT HAVE TALKED TO THE SECRETARY OF DEFENCE UNTIL HE FINISHEDTHE GOAT STORY AND LEFT THE CLASSROOM AND ONLY THEN DID HE PUT AMERICA ONALERT. HOW MUCH CRUCIAL TIME WAS LOST THAT COULD HAVE PREVENTED, FORINSTANCE, THE ATTACK ON THE PENTAGON, WHICH HAPPENED 40 MINUTES AFTER THESECOND TOWER WAS HIT?Bush has been caught in a monumental lie here and it is just one of the endless daily lies that gush forthfrom the lips of this lying imbecile, who is currently a national hero. So news media, where are you when areal story is set before you? I would appreciate it if people could circulate this to all the news media youcan think of and bombard the White House with requests for a statement about the provable, blatant, lies ofthe President of the United States about one of the darkest days in US history.David Icke---------------OK, IS EVERBODY CONCENTRATING?GOOD.THIS IS THE CURRENT STATE OF THE WORLDAT THE DAWN OF 2002By David IckeThe United States bombed Afghanistan killing thousands of civilians because someone killed thousands ofcivilians in New York and Washington. (The "who" is still unproven unless you believe the Hollywoodspecial effects.) Pakistan helped the American and British governments to attack Afghanistan becausePakistan is part of the coalition to stop terrorism. Now India threatens to invade Pakistan because theyclaim that terrorists supported by Pakistani Intelligence were responsible for the suicide attack on theIndian Parliament. This was the same Pakistani Intelligence who worked with the US in the attack onAfghanistan to "stop terrorism".Still with me?Meanwhile the Israel government terrorises the Palestinians while Palestinian extremists terrorise Israelisand both leaderships condemn terrorism and join the "war" against it led by America and Britain, whosegovernments have the most grotesque record of all for orchestrating mass terrorism and genocide againstthe peoples of the world. Saudi Arabia, which is an unelected bloodline dictatorship (just like the US), hasa horrific human rights record as do all allies of the United States, and its treatment of women is utterlyappalling.The American and British governments condemn the treatment of women by the Taliban, and use it as oneof the reasons they had to be removed, and yet they support the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia and welcomeit's involvement in the "War on Terrorism" while saying not a word about the Saudi policy on women,which mirrors that of the Taliban.The prosecutor at the World Court says he has enough evidence to convict the former Serbian leader,Slobodan Milosovic, for crimes against humanity while people like the Bush family, Henry Kissinger, DickCheney, Colin Powell, etc., who are responsible for more dead people than Milosovic could muster if helived to be 200, do not face charges for crimes against humanity. Instead they are seen as the defenders ofthe "Free World".Cue Alice..."Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise -what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"PAKISTAN AND INDIA WAVE HANDBAGS ON THE BORDERAND BOTH SAY IF THEY BLOWTHE SHIT OUT OF THE OTHERTHEIR CAUSE WILL BE JUST...WELCOME TO 2002- BUSINESS AS USUAL.David Icke`How doth the little crocodileImprove his shining tail,And pour the waters of the NileOn every golden scale!`How cheerfully he seems to grin,How neatly spread his claws,And welcome little fishes inWith gently smiling jaws!'Alice----------AN OTHER-DIMENSIONAL VIEW OF THE AMERICAN CATASTROPHE FROM A SOURCETHEY CANNOT SILENCEHOW BUSH AND BLAIR "KNEW";THE CHINA SCENARIO;AND THE MANIPULATION TO COME BYMIND-CONTROLLED "CELEBRITIES"By David IckeWhat I was told supported my own "this-world" research that the plan is to trigger a conflict with Chinathat would lead to the formation of world government, central bank, currency and army and turn the planetinto an orbiting prison camp. Another highly likely scenario I have been told about many times by UnitedStates "insiders", incidentally, is an attack on the Muslim shrine at Temple Mount in Jerusalem to furtherescalate conflict with the Islamic world, and my own view is that we could possibly even see theassassination of President Bush and someone very close to Tony Blair to increase still more dramaticallythe measures imposed to "fight terrorism". Horrific as the events of September 11th were, they are just thestart, not the end of this stage of the Illuminati-reptilian agenda.I asked this other dimensional source to tell me who was really responsible for what happened in NewYork and Washington and this was the reply. This conversation took place on September 12th 2001. Seewhat you think: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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