Dane Spotts - Hemi-Sync - Brain ...

Dane Spotts - Hemi-Sync - Brain Supercharger 00. Info, Muzyka, Brain Supercharger
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Unleash the most powerful force in the universe...your mind!

Your Brain!
Attract Wealth
and Power
Memory Power
Success Habits
Be a Verbal
It may be the most important discovery of the new millennium. A technology for
harnessing the incredible powers of your mind. To create. To transform. To
discover. To achieve your dreams. Discover breakthrough methods and a
philosophy for awakening these mind powers...and unleashing your hidden
potential. Once experienced...it will transform you forever!
Unleash the most powerful force in the universe...your mind!

Your Brain!
Attract Wealth
and Power
Memory Power
Success Habits
Be a Verbal
An Invitation To Fellow Mind Warriors To Join Me In An Incredible Mind Journey
Why I’m Sending You My Book &
A Brain Supercharger CD—FREE.
Dear Mind Warrior,
240 pgs—plus bonus
Brain SuperchargerCD
with Super Intelligence
& Musical Brain Boost
soundtracks plus
instruction session.
($50 Value—FREE)
“It was August 1987. I hit a turning point. In a Southern
California recording studio, experimenting with sound,
phasing certain audio frequencies, I stumbled upon a
combination that was mind-blowing to say the least. Within
seconds I was sucked into a deep meditative trance unlike
anything I’d ever experienced before. Plugged into a Mind
Mirror (an EEG machine that measures brainwaves as well as
hemispheric synchronization) I was amazed to see the bursts
of Alpha and Theta activity. I was tripping into an altered
state of consciousness—big time.
It was late afternoon when I finished laying down the final audio tracks of what was
to become, the
Brain Supercharger
soundtrack. Walking out of that recording studio
with the masters in hand, I felt an inexplicable awe. The flat afternoon sun washed
everything in a surreal shade of twilight. I was acutely aware of my surroundings and
yet I felt connected to a greater dimension focused somewhere in my mind. I was alert
and felt more alive than ever...a high level of energy surged through my body. I kept
thinking to myself, ‘
If other people have a similar experience as I just did listening
to the final cut of this soundtrack...it could change their lives
About me and my business. At that point in time I had no idea how many people
would even be remotely interested in the concept of mind development, let alone plug
in their brains for 28 minutes each day. But it was my passion, so I followed it. And
I’ve been on this path ever since. After the first
Brain Supercharger
ad appeared in
OMNI magazine, I received thousands of calls from people wanting to try it...paying up
to $50 for a single cassette tape. It was then that I began to realize the impact this was
going to have on people. Even then, my wildest expectations could not envision the
abundance of support I received from every part of the globe.
Since its debut in 1988, over 500,000 soundtracks incorporating the
technology have been distributed throughout the world. Today, I believe
the demand for mind development tools, meditation programs, and personal growth
technologies is stronger than ever. The pursuit of self-improvement has gone
The above is from the opening of my new book
Super Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a
Supercharged Brain.
I want you to have a copy...FREE, just for trying the
Mind Power

which is reviewed throughout this report. I invite you to read about it...and
then try it out on yourself. I believe you’ll discover this to be the “Holy Grail” of mind
development programs. Not just because you get 32 CDs with hundreds of pages of
workbook material. And not just because these programs took years to create with
millions spent developing and promoting them. No. It’s because this collection can
make you more successful in your life...no matter where you are at right now. But don’t
take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.
Dane Spotts, Author
What Does It Feel Like?
The companion CD included FREE with Super Brain Power
contains 2 soundtracks plus an instruction session by the author.
The first soundtrack Super Intelligence

uses the Brain
technology for exploring altered mind states and
awakening your hidden potential. The second soundtrack
Musical Brain Boost

uses a specific musical formula known to
enhance reasoning & spatial learning. Both soundtracks are for
experimental purposes to be used in conjunction with the 19
mind development workshops included in the book.
One user described it as, “...it felt like I was sticking my
tongue into a 220 volt electrical socket...and plugging my brain
into the universe.” Another said, “It was as if I was being
launched into another dimension of space-time.” Not everyone’s
experiences are mystical, but those who follow the program will
feel something quite profound is happening to them. Perhaps the
best description of what it feels like to experience transcendence
is reported on page 55. “When your mind is ‘plugged-in’ to the
energy grid of the universe and ‘tuned’ to the right frequency you
are opening a new channel. An entirely new level of possibilities
open up to you...life becomes more fluid and exciting.
Uncertainty is welcome because there is no fear about the
future...The truth is revealed in an instant.” These are industrial
strength mind tools designed to “meditate you.” They are not
“new age” music, guided imagery, or self-hypnosis. Using a
unique audio matrix, a special combination of sound frequencies
were engineered to deliver a powerful meditative experience that
must be
to be understood.
Your Friend,
P.S. Yes!—you get
my book and a special
Brain Supercharger
($50 value) just for reviewing the
Mind Power Library
P.P.S. Don’t forget to visit me online at
and drop into the forum for a chat!
Brain Supercharger Tested In Double Blind Study
A “double blind” experiment was conducted on the BRAIN
SUPERCHARGER soundtracks. The primary purpose of the study was to see
what effects, if any, this technology has on the mental functioning of a
listener. The results were published in a report issued by PSI Metrics. The
conclusion? The findings as reported by the study’s author were as
follows; “To begin with, it appears that the BRAIN SUPERCHARGER
“works.” That is, it does what its name implies it does. Daily usage
seems to have a profound effect on the mental functioning of its listener,
increasing his or her...
, and
Conversely, a comparable group of people, exposed for the same
period of time to a PLACEBO tape—identical in every respect except that it
lacked the SUPERCHARGER technology—showed essentially no changes at
all. These psychological gains from the SUPERCHARGER, in turn,
translate into higher
, deeper
, more
adaptability, increased judgement, greater creativity, a broader
occupational outlook, and a generally more
relaxed view of life
indicated by an actuarial profile analysis of the data. ...These findings
strongly suggest that the SUPERCHARGER technology does what it claims to
do: that is, it provides the human brain with a psycho-physical “workout,”
as it were, that improves its mental functioning. In conclusion, the BRAIN
SUPERCHARGER appears to alter the personality of its users in essentially
positive and life-enhancing ways.” (Quoted from a report issued on the
Brain Supercharger study, by Dr. Lawerence Cory, PhD. A reprint of this
report along with further analysis can be found in the appendix of Super
Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a Supercharged Brain.)
“Unleash the most powerful force in the universe...your mind! Discover incredible new
technologies to ignite your passions, awaken your hidden powers, and develop your
potential to its fullest.”
Breakthroughs In One
Massive CD Library...
Teach You To Zap Stress,
Boost Your Brainpower,
Attract Success & Awaken
Awesome Hidden Mind
By Dane Spotts
MEDITATES for a few moments...
then walks barefoot 27 feet across
1,700 degree burning hot coals. A
monk stops his heart from beating and
reactivates it minutes later by
“thought power.” Everyone’s heard
these incredible mind power stories.
Are they real or fantasy? And if they
are real what does that tell us about
our own potential? I’ve spent the last
20 years searching for answers to
those questions. In my journey I’ve
discovered some amazing things I’d
like to share with you. But first I want
to take your brain for a ride. An
incredible journey that’s been
described as...
A Vacation in 28
(Continued on page 5)
Tripled Income First Month, Doubling it Again Second Month!
“In September of this year, I had my worst month of the year in generating income. I decided I had to make a major commitment to improve my performance...beginning with the
resolution of any subconscious conflicts about achieving success. In October, my first month of using the tapes [CDs], I tripled my income from the previous month. And the month
after that I doubled it again. The only thing I did differently was listen to these tapes [CDs], principally the Ultra Success–Brain Supercharger program. These tapes [CDs] are
vastly superior to all others on the market. They produce altered states of a profound nature. They are invaluable tools to enhance the developmental and learning processes by
providing controllable, repeatable entry into states of mind which are rarely accessed consciously. Unequivocally the title of “King of Self-Improvement” goes to the Brain
S.Q. – Stockbroker
5 Mind Power
5 Mind Power
Breakthroughs In One
Massive CD Library...
Mind Lab Includes 12 Titles To Unleash The Hidden Powers of Your Mind
Brain Supercharger
Why did the CIA purchase several of these programs?
(Details in Super Brain Power
Included FREE in your kit.)
12 titles on 6 CDs
1. Ultra Success Conditioning
2. Perfect Body Image
3. Winning Self-Image
4. Mastering Stress
5. Unleashing Creativity
6. Healthy Mind/Healthy Body
7. Super Memory & Learning
8. Sports Performance
9. Soaring Self-Confidence
10. Improve Love Relationships
11. Attract Wealth & Prosperity
12. Enhanced Psychic Functioning
These titles have been sold
for up to $50 each!
(Making this a $600 value)
You arrive home from a busy day at work stressed out from nasty clients and
overcrowded freeways. Instead of heading to the refrigerator for a beer, you don a
pair of headphones, plug the Brain Supercharger CD into your stereo player and
punch the “on” button.
A few moments later and you’re off to “theta” land. Your body feels extremely
relaxed as your mind begins to race with creative images. What’s happening? The
sound matrix on your Brain Supercharger has altered your state of consciousness,
unfolding a blissful dream-like euphoria similar to meditation. For years it’s been
known that meditation quiets the mind leading to expanded awareness,
psychological well-being and a greater receptivity to new ideas. But there are
problems with traditional meditation. It can take years of concentrated effort to learn
the necessary physiological responses.
That’s where the Brain Supercharger technology steps in. The Brain
Superchargeris designed to meditate you. Instead of spending 15 years training your
mind, you plug-in for 28 minutes each day and let “it” massage your brain. When you
finish each session you feel renewed, more centered, and mentally on top of the
world. What causes the euphoria and peak experiences? A special combination of
sound frequencies plays through your stereo headphones coaxing your mind into
what’s been called a “Theta” mind state. This altered state (the goal of meditators)
stimulates your pleasure centers and gives you that “high” feeling. If this were just a
tool for zapping stress and exploring alternative mind states it would be awesome
enough. But there’s more. One of the more controversial aspects of this technology
is how it has been used to reprogram how you think and see yourself and the world.
How can it do all this? Some psychologists believe the mind uses the “theta”
window for psychological and physiological programming. It may be why we dream.
To heal both the mind and body. Meditation seems to open a doorway into the
The question is: Can you use the Brain Supercharger technology to program
your subconscious autopilot (the source of your fears, beliefs, and inner drives)?
That’s one of the goals of your 12 title Mind Lab. To deliver positive programming
while in this “theta window.” Because your mind is more suggestible it is believed the
programming has a better chance of sticking. Ultra Success Conditioning is the most
popular of your 12 title Supercharger series with thousands of users plugging in to
receive positive success affirmations. Test the possibilities of this concept on yourself
and see if you don’t feel a difference in how you perceive yourself and the world.
Follow the instructions and record your results in a personal journal.
The Brain Supercharger is extremely powerful mind technology that can unleash
an amazing power in your life. But you should prove it to yourself. Like the thousands
before you, use the technology to meditate, unleash hidden powers of mind, and
mindscript an area of your life you wish to improve. More importantly discover who
you really are and your place in the universe.
They Work!
“I purchased your ‘Ultra Success’ Brain Supercharger
tapes [CDs] a little less than a year ago. I’ve been listening to
your tapes [CDs] on a regular basis since I received them and know,
without a doubt
they work
! Before I purchased your tapes [CDs], I was
feeling a bit down and out because I wasn’t getting anywhere in life. I was
broke all the time. I had a job that had no future—my self-esteem was low!
Today, not only do I feel more confident but I am also holding a position as an
Assistant Director for a successful private school and I am earning a very
comfortable income. A couple of weeks ago I was told that I would be getting a
promotion to Director which means that my income will also increase—and it
hasn’t been a year! In addition I am in the process of buying my very first
house....My life has totally changed (for the best) during the past year and
I can surmise it had something to do with your tapes [CDs]. Of course I
had to take control of my own life but with the help of your tapes
[CDs], the process was made effortlessly.”
V.C. – California
* These products are sold for experimental use. As such the manufacturer and
seller specifically disclaim their use will have any effect on cognitive, mental
functions, or skills.
Item # 7001A............................................$299.95
Energized, Enthusiastic, & Supercharged!
“I listened to the [Brain Supercharger] CD for the first time before going to work...and felt
oddly energized. There was an unmistakable clarity about my ability to think and speak
that I had never experienced before. New words and phrases just automatically flowed
effortlessly and coherently through my speech. I was unusually witty, articulate, and
vigorous. I felt enthusiastic about this sense of effortless clarity. I don’t know why but this
CD works. It’s like lubricant for the brain. It seems easier to be smarter and more effective
now than before. Thank you very much!”
Dr. S.S. – Dentist
Increased Income, & Self-Worth!
“I’m so much more intuitive now after using the Supercharger. Some very strong images
come to me at times. It’s almost like being awake, yet I’m dreaming. I guess I’m just in
tune with what’s going on because I’m attracting success and money. Things have just
fallen into my lap recently that otherwise I don’t think I would have...It’s been a little
tougher, a little more difficult to make a buck...but it hasn’t affected me...I’m winning.”
W.P. – Real Estate Agent
 28 Minutes to a Supercharged
70’s & 80’s, from retreats to
brain tune-up machines. But none of it
prepared me for the mind-blowing experiences
of the
Brain Supercharger
As I plugged it into my player, I kept
thinking, “It’s just a recording.” Then I put on
my headphones, flipped the switch, and
whoosh...I was immediately transported into
another time and place.
My body became extremely relaxed. My
arms and legs felt numb. I began to experience
new things. I started having long conversations
with a voice inside my head, experiencing
vivid memories and a flood of creative ideas.
It seemed as if my mind and body were in
two separate places. Words can hardly
describe the experience but it was like taking a
2 week vacation in 28 minutes. I realized this
no ordinary
Body Orgasm...
“It’s the most fantastic higher
consciousness tool I have ever come
across. During my first session, I experienced
what I can only describe as a body orgasm. My
entire body was tingling and warm and I felt I was
going to levitate at any moment. I also had an
overwhelming feeling that something profound was
happening to me. I can’t describe how wonderful I
felt....I hope the entire human race can be
turned on to these tapes [CDs] because I
think it would totally transform the
By sound phasing certain frequencies and
harmonics and delivering them spatially into
the brain it was discovered that you could alter
one’s mind-state and unfold a deep meditative
awareness similar to that achieved by Zen
Monks and firewalking yogis. Just training
your brain to enter into these dream-like
altered states can have enormous benefits.
Users have reported reduced stress, enhanced
creativity, peak experiences and feelings of
psychological well-being. Even out-of-body
Just as certain forms of music can affect
your mood, it seems that sound frequencies
played in the right combinations stimulate
deep relaxation and open the mind up to all
sorts of incredible possibilities. The effect is
subsonic, so you don’t actually hear it...but you
sure feel it. What you do hear are the sounds of
an underground stream, special tones, and
what seems like the voices of angels. It’s
weird, but it actually feels like angels are
flying around inside your skull.
3-D effect is
created because the
sounds are delivered spatially, and processed
in your mind like an audio hologram. I don’t
profess to know exactly how music and sound
affects the mind (no one really does), but I do
know how it feels. When you finish a session,
your entire body becomes charged with a new
energy. You feel renewed...more aware and
mentally like soaring with eagles. It’s that
experience I want to share with you.
BUT WAIT! Before I go any further with
my special offer, there is something I must tell
you. This technology is still experimental. And
like most new ideas with profound
implications it’s controversial.
And there’s something else too.
Something you should be cautioned about right
D.O. – Illinois
“...Mastering Stresshas paid for itself many
times over. I work at a job that creates tension
in me and I feel the need to smoke whenever this
occurs. After listening to Mastering Stress...it paid
off in a way that I never imagined in my wildest
dreams! I no longer feel the urge to smoke! I feel
calm and relaxed, and I know my work had improved
in that I complete it faster....Mastering Stress
gets rid of my headaches. I am here to testify
that these tapes [CDs] are fantastic as far
as I’m concerned.”
C.B. – Oregon
(Go to page 7)
How It Works
PLUG YOURSELF INTO one of these special soundtracks
for 28 minutes each day. As the special audio matrix layered
onto the CD unfolds its magic programming—a blissful state
of deep relaxation sets in. Almost immediately your mind is
launched into an altered states experience. It’s as if both
mind and body are being launched into another dimension
of time and space. And although it feels incredibly good,
what’s going on under the surface is something quite
profound. The secret engineering process behind these
amazing soundtracks is based on 3 discoveries as detailed
in the book, Super Brain Power: 28 Minutes to a
Supercharged Brain:
activate “right brain” awareness and help whole brain
synchrony. It is believed that people who enter this mind
state have a greater ability to “rescript” material on a
subconscious level.
2) The use of affirmations to direct positive programming to
the subconscious to help in rescripting negative self-
defeating beliefs. (Each Brain Superchargersoundtrack is
loaded with powerful mindscripting

embedded in the audio matrix.)
3) Holographic 3-D sound design that delivers specific
spatial effects into a listener’s mind engineered so you
“feel” the sounds moving around inside your head.
1) The ability to generate certain musical harmonics and
sound frequencies with properties that shift mood and
No Hype!
“I must say I am fed up with all the hype and exaggerated claims used to sell most self-improvement tapes [CDs]. I have an extensive collection and while some are good, most
don’t live up to their advertising...so it was with considerable doubt that yours could be as good as your ads made them sound. Can you imagine my surprise and utter delight
when your tapes [CDs] turned out to be even better than your enthusiastic endorsements. After listening only one time, I knew without a doubt that these were the tapes [CDs] I
had been searching for. (Actually, one doesn’t just listen to your tapes [CDs]...one experiences them. And what a pleasurable experience it is.)”
Each Of The 5 Mind Power Breakthroughs Are Described In This Report Beginning With:
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