Days of Eternity

Days of Eternity, Twilight (tylko EN pow. 100,000 słów)
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Storyid: 4529480

Name: Days of Eternity

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Chapter 1 to 33




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Chapter: 1



A/N: I was going to wait but the story was calling to me! I couldn’t resist it! Here you go!


Disclaimer: I own nothing related to the Twilight series!




Danielle had never killed anyone. She’d never robbed anyone. The only person she’d ever slept with was her husband. She didn’t curse, at least not often, and she tried to do as many good deeds as she could. She had stolen one time, but it had been a plastic doll version of the Princess Jasmine from Aladdin and it had been when she was seven years old.


That one incident surely couldn’t have been what sent her here to this fiery hell. Jasmine wasn’t even that important. And she’d returned it, anyway. She’d felt guilty.


Yet here she was. Fire was in every inch of her body and she couldn’t stop it. She could have moved, she could have screamed, but she didn’t want the devil to win. Didn’t want him to see or hear her vocalizing her torture.


The fire burned the hottest in her heart, the muscle pumping furiously so it was nearly all she could hear. It was unrelenting, unyielding, but somehow…not unwelcome. Because the more she thought about I as rationally as she could, the more she fought against the blackness of unconsciousness that had been taking over her more and more, the more she began tothink that she was actually alive.


She could remember how she had ended up here, what had caused it. It gave her hope, despite the torturous fire, that she was alive. This might be what hell was though, the pessimistic side yelled. Allowing you to replay your memories and never be able to experience it again. Not that she would ever want to experience the most frequent memory that continuously resurfaced.


She remembered the fight in their little camp. How the creators of the army that kept their friends and her love busy had found them. They had been doomed, it had been three versus one…until Seth showed up. Brave little Seth Clearwater, whom she’d somehow befriended despite being married to his mortal enemy.


He’d fought valiantly against Dominic, the vampire who had been so intent on seeing her dead. Dominic was no mindless newborn. He had experience. He was tougher then what Seth had been trained for. Seth had been about to lose, Dominic had been closing in on him. Danielle had taken Emmett’s bat and hit the vampire in the head to get him to back off. Bella had seen the losing battle and drawn her own blood.


It happened so quickly. Even as she thought about it now, she could feel the pain grown white hot in her neck. Tom had tried to attack Bella. Seth had been playing possum and jumped up to her defense. Danielle had been left vulnerable and Dominic had attacked.


Seth had come back to her rescue, but Dominic had been thrown carelessly off of her. It had ripped the side of her neck open, making blood leave her body rapidly. Bella had tried to stop it.


Tom, her dearest friend from back in Texas had turned on his creator. He’d helped Seth destroy Dominic after he saw what he had done to her. She hoped he was alive, that the others had spared him and shown him a new life.


Edward had been furious. Seth had howled. She realized now he’d been howling both out of agony and for his pack brothers. He must feel so guilty. He’d gone after the wrong vampire. But Danielle didn’t blame him for the accident. She wanted him to know she wasn’t angry. It wasn’t his fault.


And then Jasper had come. He’d probably heard Edward’s cry and Seth’s howl. He’d known something had happened. He’d been so devastated. So anguished. She’d never wanted to see her Jasper like that, never wanted to see him in pain.


It became almost unbearable, the white hot pain in her neck. It was burning worse then it had been previously. She realized it was healing itself. And then she realized she was alive. Surely if she was in hell her fatal wound would never have healed. Darkness took her again but the next time she broke into consciousness the fire in her neck had gone back to the same flame engulfing the rest of her body.


In time, she didn’t know how much, other memories began surfacing. Memories of being rushed into a room and laid gently onto a bed. Memories of Jasper holding her hand tightly and begging for her to be ok. Memories of Carlisle hovering over her and working to keep the blood from leaving her body. But the flame in her bones never ceased.


Danielle didn’t move, she didn’t speak, but she knew she was alive. The pain kept her from remembering why, but she knew there was a reason behind all of this. Knew in her pounding and burning heart that there was something greater waiting for her.


Gradually she began to hear new sounds as the ringing and pounding in her ears dulled and her mind became clearer. She could hear breathing coming from right next to her on the right and she listened to the rhythmic sound of it, feeling comforted only in the slightest. Danielle felt a cool hand, the coolness quickly being smothered by the fire, running along the length of her arm. She knew the touch would have normally sent her heart flying because she was so familiar with it. She heard a deep sigh.


The sigh confirmed to her instantly who it was that was sitting next to her. She’d heard Jasper sigh so many times that she’d be able to pick it out in a Mardi Gras parade.


“Danielle?” She heard Jasper say. Worry was lacing his deep, beautiful voice as his fingers closed around hers. She wanted to hold his hand but she was too afraid to break her concentration, seeing as she now remembered why she really hadn’t wanted to scream and thrash around. She knew it would hurt Jasper to watch and know he couldn’t do anything about it. Jasper was in enough pain already.


Time passed agonizingly slowly. The fire never ceased but she concentrated only on Jasper’s breathing and his light, gentle touches. Every once in a while she would feel his cool lips on hers for the briefest instant and It would take everything in her to stay subdued and still as a statue, even if it was worrying him.


Sometime later she heard light footsteps enter the room and she recognized Carlisle’s voice as he spoke to Jasper.


“She still hasn’t responded?” Carlisle asked curiously.


“No. Did I do something wrong?” Jasper asked in distress. “She should be doing something, anything. She’s just…laying there.”


She felt Carlisle’s fingers touch gently to the inside of her wrist. Jasper’s hand was still holding hers tightly. Carlisle made a humming noise in his throat. “It is odd. She wasn’t given anything to fight the pain.”


“What if the two different venoms had some kind of adverse effect?” Jasper asked quietly.


“No, it wouldn’t have. Don’t worry, son. Venom is venom, is venom. You did a wonderful job. I’m quite proud of you.” Carlisle said. She could hear the smile in his voice.


“Will it be much longer?”


“It’s hard to say.” Carlisle said with a sigh. “But I can feel how strong her heart is. She’ll be fine, Jasper.”


Jasper sighed again and she wanted nothing more then to throw her arms around him and comfort him. She heard a sound that sounded like a hand smoothing out ruffled clothing and Danielle realized that Carlisle must have put a comforting hand on Jasper’s shoulder. Another moment later and she heard Carlisle’s footsteps trail off out the door, down the hallway, and down the stairs. She stopped listening then to return her attention back to her Jasper.


Eventually the pain left her fingers and toes and she almost sighed out in relief at the acknowledgement of the pain leaving. As the fire left her hands hand and feet completely, she could now feeling Jasper’s touch better. His hand wasn’t cold anymore against hers. It felt perfectly right against her hand and she resisted the urge to lace her fingers with his like she normally would have.


More time passed, she didn’t know how much, and she heard much lighter footsteps, definitely not Carlisle’s, enter the room. “She’s going to be absolutely radiant.” She heard Alice said.


Jasper chuckled lightly and she felt his now warm lips press against the top of her hand. “She already was.” Jasper countered. “Will it be much longer?” He asked.


“No. It shouldn’t be more then a day now.” Alice said. “She looking much clearer and I can see her better.” Danielle would have broken out into song at hearing the news.


Jasper made a relieved sound and leaned closer to her. She felt his hand against the fire burning in her face and the touch felt phenomenally different from how it felt against her hand. “Do you hear that, darlin’? You’re almost done.”


Once it was just she and Jasper in the room again and she concentrated on his touch and breathing as she had been. She didn’t know how long she listened to him but eveentually the pain began to leave ‑­


more swiftly in her limbs. She was relieved until the burning in her throat became worse, almost unbearable. It was a new burn though. One that made her feel absolutely parched and thirsty for something.


Then the burning in her heart gradually grew. Her breathing, which had been shallow until then, became much harder as the fire in her heart rose to an unbearable heat. All of the fire from her body was focused now on that one organ and she fought hard to keep from screaming.


“Carlisle!” Jasper called, a little panicked.


Danielle heard Carlisle enter along with a different set of footsteps she hadn’t heard yet. It amazed her that she could tell the difference between the two. She even knew Carlisle was in front of whoever had accompanied him.


“It’s almost done.” Carlisle said.


She would have felt relieved, but the pain was unbearable. She finally allowed herself to grip tightly at the hand that had been holding hers. Jasper immediately responded as the breath left everyone in the room.


“Danielle? Darlin’?” She heard Jasper asking.


“Danielle is very nearly ready. All the pain rushed to her heart.” Edward said suddenly. Immediately she felt Jasper’s hand rest over her heart as if he was trying to will the pain away. But then she realized he was trying to calm her, as he probably had been doing all along. The pain raged too wild though. “Remarkable…” She heard Edward mutter. It didn’t occur to her that she wouldn’t have heard it normally.


“Go get the others.” Carlisle instructed him. “They’ll want to be here when she comes around.”


Edward left swiftly just as her heart took off, much quicker then she would have ever thought possible. Danielle was surprise it was still encased in her ribs. Surely it should have exploded through her chest by now. The fire surged one last time in her heart then she heard it slow to two weak beats. One more beat and then it was dead silent.


The pain was gone and it was all she could concentrate on for a moment, even as she heard six different pairs of feet enter the room.


Then electricity shot through her body as she realized that Jasper’s hand was still over her heart and she gasped out loud at the sensation. Everyone else in the room let loose a relieved breath to hear the sound.


Jasper was still holding her right hand and she could feel his cool wedding band pressing against her skin. His touch was warm against the skin on her chest. Someone must have changed her outfit because she remembered wearing a high-necked sweater to the camp site.


“Jasper…” She heard Carlisle say carefully, quietly.


“She’s fine.” Jasper said automatically.


And Danielle certainly felt like she was. The sound of his voice momentarily soothed the ache in her throat and she reached up to put her hand on top of Jasper’s. Only she moved much, much quicker. Even with her eyes closed she knew the movement had been instantaneous and she gasped again.


“Danielle?” Jasper asked quietly as he flipped his hand to entwine his fingers with hers.


Finally she opened her eyes and froze.


Had she ever paid attention before?


Her sight was clearer, not hampered by mortal weakness anymore, and she could see nothing but Jasper leaning over her. He was absolutely beautiful…gorgeous. Breath-taking. No words did him justice. It was like living in a world of gloom and darkness and then seeing the sun against a cloudless, blue sky for the first time. And the way he smelled. It was unbelievable and she found herself drawing in a long breath through her nose to get more of it. It was like pine, leather, and chocolate all wonderfully mixed together to form a scent she’d never smelled before, but was so obviously and uniquely Jasper that it made sense.


Danielle reached up to touch his face and winced when her arm shot up immediately, making his eyes widen a bit in surprise. But then Jasper grinned and she was sure that her heart would have stopped if it was still beating.


She could now see his scars clear as day and she frowned. Seeing them all perfectly was enough to make her temper flare momentarily just thinking about the vampires that had tried to kill her Jasper. Edward laughed softly on the other side of the room but she paid no attention to it. She could see that the scars adorning Jasper’s neck and jaw were one of his more dominant features, but they didn’t bother her in the slightest.


Danielle tore her eyes away from them to wander over every inch of his face. She frowned and lifted her hand, concentrating on moving slowly now, and ran her fingertips over the two scars that rested above Jasper’s left eyebrow.


“Somehow, I missed these two.” She said softly, her voice sounding like a soft bell and surprising her.


Jasper grinned again and slowly straightened up, grabbing her hands in the process. “I think I can forgive you for that, darlin’. Stand up.” He said softly.


In a half a second she was off the bed and standing in front of him. He didn’t recoil, just smiled down at her. Danielle was completely mesmerized by him. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him and she never would have if Carlisle hadn’t said her name softly.


Danielle turned her head, her head snapping to the left, and looked at Carlisle with a smile. “How do you feel?”


She forgot to answer. Now that her eyes weren’t distracted by Jasper’s beauty she could see everything else. Everything else. Danielle could see the dust swirling in the air and all the tiny details and colors that made up the boarder on the walls of the room. Jasper’s room. She could clearly see the threading of the comforter she had slept under for so many nights and she reached out to touch it in wonder.


“I know it’s a bit disorienting.” Jasper whispered in her ear.


At his closeness and the feel of his breath against her neck, raging desire shot through her and she turned her head back up look at him. Jasper’s eyes seemed darker. He must have felt her desire for him in an instant.


“Danielle?” Carlisle asked again patiently.


Danielle reluctantly tore her eyes away from Jasper and looked over at Carlisle for the second time. Even his features were perfect. She let her eyes take in each line of his face then smiled. “Yes?”


“How do you feel?” He asked again.


“A bit…gob smacked.” She admitted. “It’s a lot…”


Carlisle nodded. “Yes, it is. It can be a lot to take in.”


Danielle nodded but then forgot what they were talking about when she felt Jasper press his forehead against the side of her temple. Relief was rolling off of him and surrounding her. She realized these last few days, however long her transformation had been, must have been torturing him.


“Are you thirsty?” Jasper asked. Everyone seemed to be awaiting her response.


She felt a burn in her throat at the thought, as if it had been lingering in the shadows to make its presence known, but Jasper’s voice overpowered her thoughts of hunger. “Nothing I can’t manage.”


Jasper looked at her in surprise while a murmur of shock passed over her family. Danielle looked at each of their beautiful faces. Esme was smiling gently, while Rosalie looked at her in interest next to her. Emmett was of course by Rosalie’s side and he had a huge grin on his face. Then there was Carlisle, who looked radiant of course, then Edward with a small smile on his face. He was probably reading her mind. He smiled wider at her thought. Then she looked at Alice and she had a big grin on her face too. They all had a slightly surprised look in their eyes. Danielle took a long moment to appreciate their beauty, her eyes sweeping back over them again, until she spotted a vampire she’d only seen once lingering in the back behind Alice.



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